Sanket Sahu

NativeBase Startup+ - 100+ responsive React Native screens for web & mobile

NativeBase Startup+ is a bundle of 100+ responsive, accessible, dark mode supported and production ready React Native screens for mobile and web. Rely on the trust of NativeBase v3 and use these highly themeable screens to build your next dream project.

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Joseph kitheka
the ui design looks cool
Maximilian Fleitmann
Máy chiếu Minh Tân
Dawn Veltri
Congrats on the launch!
João Turazzi
Bev Hindley
Nice product, Best of luck
Congrats on the launch, great job
Sanket Sahu
Hey Makers, thanks for looking at NativeBase Startup+! We are trying to solve the problem of rebuilding the generic screens and components for every project so that you don’t have to. NativeBase Startup+ is a bundle of 100+ React Native screens for mobile and web platforms that works from the same codebase to achieve maximum code shareability and pushes faster development. Try it: Features: 🎨 100+ screens ♿ Powered by NativeBase 🖥📲 Responsive 📈 Consistent across all the platforms 🌓 Supports dark mode 👩‍💻 Shared codebase between React Native & React (Next, CRA) Go ahead and check it out! AMA.
Alex Borsuk
Your project will make life easier for lots and lots of people! My vote goes to you!
Eugene Hauptmann
Congrats on the launch!
Abdelrhman Kouta
Congrats on the launch
Hoang Nguyen
Chất lượng tốt, làm tốt lắm
Rohith Gilla
Congratulations 🎉
Harminder Virk
Looks great! Congrats on the launch