Sanket Sahu

NativeBase v3 - Mobile first, accessible components for React Native & Web


NativeBase is an accessible, utility-first component library that helps you build consistent UI across Android, iOS and Web.
It enables to build responsive, performant & dark-mode enabled websites and native mobile apps with the same code base.

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Sanket Sahu
Months of hard work in building the component library for mobile & web, it's finally out πŸ₯³ The team is trying to solve our problem of recreating building blocks for every project so that you don’t have to. NativeBase v3 components are accessible, mobile-first, dark-mode enabled, customizable and performant. NativeBase v3 is targeted for React Native, React (Next, CRA). Docs: Kitchen Sink: Features: 🎨 Highly themeable β™Ώ Accessibility powered by React Native ARIA πŸ›  Utility props πŸ“š Rich component library πŸ–₯πŸ“² Responsive πŸ“ˆ Consistent across all the platforms πŸŒ“ Supports dark mode πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Shared codebase between React Native & React (Next, CRA) Top priorities: β€’ Unified Navigation with Next.js & React Native β€’ Reduce runtime overhead β€’ Bundlesize & Treeshaking Go and start building and report issues! We are here to fix it!
Aman Mittal
I have been using NativeBase since the v2 and I have always liked the vast amount of components it supported at that time. Now, with v3 (have been playing around with it), I love the majority of features required to build a mobile app (specifically React Native) such as accessibility, theming in general, dark mode, etc are in support and have options to customize them. Highly recommended!
Sanket Sahu
@amanhimself Thank you so much, Aman! You have been an important community member. Thanks for all the support in the React Native ecosystem.
Aman Mittal
@sanketsahu You folks have done amazing work to make someone like myself, life's easier. So thank you and kudos to the whole team on launching v3 πŸ™
Mohd Shad Mirza
Congratulations on the launch. Love NB v3. You guys have done an amazing job.
Sanket Sahu
@iamshadmirza Thanks Shad! You have been a constant support. πŸ™Œ
Akim Isaev
Looks gorgeous, love it!
Pierre Kraus
Pretty slick! Congrats!
Rohith Gilla
Amazing 🀩
Angel † エンジェルℒ
Can we upgrade to v3 from v2? If so, any official guide?
@angel54689 Not directly no, it's a complete re-write from scratch, so has breaking changes. But we do have a migration guide where you can find all the information.
@angel54689 You can keep using v2 for your existing apps(If you don't want to the effort of porting the existing codebase to v3). But, if you start a new project consider using v3, I am sure you would really like the new API, we have made a conscious effort towards making NativeBase, a library with great developer experience. If you do try it, let us know your feedback :) P.S: You can also join our discord server, some people there have gone through the process of porting their existing apps, and can help you if you start going that path :)
Top Real Buzz
useful product
Sanket Sahu
@toprealbuzz Thank you so much!
Tulsi Prasad
Just freaking amazing, great work team πŸ–€
Sanket Sahu
@heytulsiprasad Thanks for all the support!
Vlad Kovalev
Nice product
Dipankar Sanyal
Wow! This looks cool
Saurabh Native
Congratulations on the launch. Had used Nativebase in one of my previous projects. Works flawlessly. Keep up the great work
Sanket Sahu
@codeclassifiers Thanks Saurabh!
Launching soon!
Looks great! πŸ‘Œ
The timing could not have been better, as the RN/Expo space really needed a solid design system. I’m also incredibly proud of you folks, and I’ll be rooting for you!
Sanket Sahu
@httgp Thank you so much!
Sooraj Sanker
Good work folks! Looks neat!
Sanket Sahu
@sooraj_shankar Thanks Sooraj!
Rayan T. Oliver
Very useful!
Sanket Sahu
@raien__ Thank you!
Sanjib Kumar Dey
Looks handy and clean. Godspeed.
PyKIT Logistic Booking Online APP
Its a good for conducting for Mobile APP for a Website coding. PyKIT Logistic is an huge Goods Transportation APP.
vincent lemaire
Γ  essayer
Sanket Sahu
@vincent_lemaire Thanks! Feel free to join our Discord server too
01 Studio
A UI framework that supports Mobile AND Web? Someone pinch me, I didn't think this would ever happy.
Albert Gao
@yan_h Welcome to the 21st century :) It's how we write codes for the past 2 years, and the web version is based on React native web, which is used by Twitter Mobile Web version.