Kat Manalac

Nebia Shower - Better shower, 70% less water

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Ouriel Ohayon
i think it's great but am i the only one who thinks 299 USD is way over priced? Also how is this not going to be copied all over?
Jeremy Zykorie
@ourielohayon It doesn't seem super expensive to me. Definitely a higher end product, but there are plenty of comparable priced shower heads out there. If this truly provides the experience they say it does, a 5 star experience, that actually uses way less water and feels as good or better than most shower heads out there, then I don't see a problem with the price. I am excited to try this out!
Chris Calmeyn
@ourielohayon If it saves people money it is well worth the investment. This is especially true for gyms, hotels, and other entities that incur substantial water heating costs. On top of that there is the intrinsic value associated with being less wasteful and helping to conserve water.
Ouriel Ohayon
@calc @ourielohayon you need to have a lot of water to save 300 USD of money
Chris Calmeyn
@ourielohayon They have a calculator on their site (which, admittedly, isn't an unbiased source). Taking one five-minute shower per day in NYC would save someone $63 per year (gas heating) / $163 (electric heating). Whether they're copied and sold at a cheaper price is another matter.
Ouriel Ohayon
@calc @ourielohayon this is probably true (or close). My problem is that shower water saving is not something that is a needle mover (a drop in water?). Fixing the water saving issue has to be addressed where it really is: parks, golfs, pools, ...that being said it looks like a great product and if it was reasonably priced (99/150 USD range) it would probably be a big(ger) hit
Erik Torenberg
How does the nebia affect the genius ideas i come up with during the shower? I know @rrhoover is very curious too. Highest priority in a shower, personally.
Josh Muccio
@eriktorenberg Absolutely the HIGHEST priority. I assume that it's a stellar idea that SHOULD be implemented if it comes to me in the shower 😏
Kat Manalac
Nebia is in the Summer 2015 batch of Y Combinator. The founders had over 500 people at Google, Apple, Equinox and YC test their water saving shower -- and they took the feedback from their early users and built something that is both beautifully designed and incredible feeling.
Lachlan Campbell
This looks absolutely awesome. I've wanted a smarter shower head for a while, especially one that is easy to "pause" while getting soap or something like that, without losing the temperature setting. Is that included in Nebia's design, @pwints28 @gparisiamon? Also,
Philip Winter
@lachlanjc Hahaha, I love this video! The pause feature is something that we are strongly considering for the final version. It's good to hear that it is requested.
Jay Meistrich
@pwints28 @lachlanjc I love the pause feature of Japanese showers. The savings from not using water when you don't really need it are huge!
Some Guy
Very clever solution. How does Nebia deal with mineral deposits?
Philip Winter
@ghobs91 Andrew, we deal with mineral deposits much the same way a regular shower does. They can be removed with a solution. Nebia is no more effected by mineral deposits than a regular shower.
Sean Wiese
I bet I can order a container of these from alibaba before the kickstarter is complete. not a bad thing, but just hard to compete at their price point when its a commodity that will def get copied.
The level of brilliance here is uncanny. Not only have they made a product that saves 70% of water on a normal shower, but they also claim it still delivers a good shower... I'm skeptical but listening. I, along with everyone else on the planet, that's had a low pressure shower knows it feels nothing like a good shower. So how do we know (without trying it first hand) that this one has the feel of a high pressure shower? Oh, well they had it tested by some guy named Tim Cook, and a bunch of other folks with very high standards and respected opinions, and they loved it so much they invested in it. I'll take 2.
Philip Winter
@kristofertm Nebia is a totally new experience of water in a shower. What we've found with the over 500 testers is that it doesn't make sense to compare to "pressure" levels of a regular shower. This is a completely new sensation, soft immersive, people say much more relaxing.
Tristan Tao
I tried a prototype at YC HQ (well part of my body). I'd have to say it felt sensational!
Mathieu Spiry
Apparently designed at @RadicandLab :) It looks awesome guys
Jim Carter III
Are there any places to try it out? Serious question.
Eddie Rodriguez
@noinput That would be nice to find out. I don't know many people that would throw down so much money to preorder a small appliance without getting a tryout
Andrew J. Dupree
Really neat stuff. Do you have any figures on how much money this could save the average household on a yearly basis? And/or environmental impact?
Gabriel Parisi-Amon
@andrewjdupree Yes, there is a calculator on our site, Nebia.com. You can see exactly how much you would save.
Zack Shapiro
Is it possible for renters to instal and use these in a way that's not going to totally destroy their shower?
Gabriel Parisi-Amon
@zackshapiro Yes, the only mechanical connections to your wall are to the female 1/2" NPT (which is screwed in) and with adhesive. You can remove the bracket, peel the adhesive off the wall, and take Nebia with you.
Benjamin Milsom
I don't think I have ever added a showerhead to my Christmas wishlist... But this might just be the first/last
Really cool product. I would love to try the feeling. But I don't really get the water savings. Residential water consumption in California is 2-5%. So even removing ALL residential consumption it is just not the place to look for.
Surya Jakhotia
The product looks cool. Here are my initial thoughts: 1. The adjustable height is good but not sure about the experience for a toddlers and kids. Since the shower doesn't use force, does water disperse away by the time it reaches 3 ft? 2. There are days where I really want a jet stream of water, is there a way for the product to have knobs and help me select? 2. Given the price of the product, I would have to try it to see if it is really worth the money. What is your return policy?
Kunal Bhatia
This is fantastic! I've always wanted to get environmentally superior products, but they usually don't come with a good experience. The product design looks slick, and based on the testimonials in the video, it seems like it would be easy to install and give a pleasant shower experience.
Braden Hamm
Anyone else think these were giant Apple Earbuds from the preview thumbnail?
Alex Chuang
I absolutely love this! This is exactly the type of product that the world need more of. Some people may think a $300 shower head is expensive, but the long-term impact of this investment is invaluable. I would love to see a collaboration with Charity Water.
Cameron McLain
Love this idea, particularly with the current water issues. But does this shower help with my singing?! Now a harmonizing shower... Woah 😉 ... V excited to see Nebia present today.
Bill Hendricks
Love this, can't wait to get my hands on it!