Jack Smith

NameChk - See if your username is available on 100+ social networks


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Shawn Kelley
In the past, I had a client who was worried about a domain name search engine we were using. Being the trusting, non-skeptical person that I usually default to, I assured them that I had been using it for years and it was fine. And then 3 of the (not clearly related) domains we had searched for magically got registered within 24 hours. The client was pretty pissed. We never did figure out if it was the site, possible malware/keytracking on someone's or maybe coincidence, but it was enough to cause me to pay attention to sites like that. I see this as a great, useful tool, but even reading through the privacy policy (which says last modified in 2009), I'm not seeing anything that would assure users that there isn't anything going on with what they enter to search for. Would they *really* care about the thousands of names entered daily? Probably not, but they certainly don't go out of their way to assure you otherwise.
David Gosse
@shawnmk we don't store that info Shawn. Too risky, and as you say, it's not useful to us. We will update the policy though. Whole site update coming soon. look forward to hearing what you think.
Gabriel Shepherd
@davidgosse is a great guy, hope he chimes in here
David Gosse
@gabeshep thanks Gabe, we should show you the new site sometime. Glad we got it done before the beaded wonder MJ left town...
Jeff Needles
A couple features I'd think would make this amazing: 1) Allow the user to specify which networks matter most to them, to speed up the process 2) Bulk checking - for different variations already under consideration, and then compare them based on how many/which networks are available
David Gosse
@jsneedles these features are in the next release. Been a long time getting it ready but we intend to do these things and a whole lot more - yest still keeping it stupid simple. Thanks JS.
Asher Hunt
So awesome to see this randomly. I designed the mobile app like 4 years ago.
David Gosse
@asherhunt good to hear from you Asher. There is always time for an app update. Hint, hint.
Jeremy Woertink
Thanks for the mention on the site! The upgrade is coming along. Here's a super small preview screenshot of the upcoming redesign.
David Gosse
I'll upload some screenshots of the new site designed by @markjohnsoncc nad @jeremywoertink tomorrow. I think everyone will love it!! Thanks for the great feedback everyone. Been a long time coming for this update.
David Gosse
Hey everyone! We have updated the UI for our site! Woot!! Please come check it out. Leave us any recommendations that we should work on. Thanks for all the support.
Sunil Jindal
Its a nice place to fins same user name across many platforms. Another social networking platform is Luvknect. https://goo.gl/gt93nf
Justin March

Wish I could remember the URL NameChk seems instantly forgettable to me.


Checks username availability quickly, tells you what if anything is wrong with your idea. Social platforms are ordered by popularity.


Doesn't cover the range of platforms like its competitor Knowem.

Neil Mayers

Do it yourself and save your money because this WILL NOT save you time! I signed up, was sent the email that I had an account and gave me the usernames and passwords for each site, but when I tried the passwords they didn't work and worst of all, now the username I wanted to use everywhere is taken! Nightmare! You spend ages trying to find a username you can use for each website and then... NIGHTMARE!!!


The idea


In practice, they don't do what they say. You STILL have to go into all the sites BY YOURSELF and fix all the errors they make.