I hope that people will think about where their money goes when they vote with their dollars this holiday season, and year round. Let's make it clear that #LoveTrumpsHate and tell the Trump family America isn't a blank check ...
I loved the #GrabYourWallet movement but thought that there was a better way to use the data and engage people to join to cause. One morning I woke up annoyed so I created a quick website (bonus points if you can guess which template I used... I wasn't totally true to the style but thought it was funny) and last night I made a simple Facebook Messenger Bot thanks to the awesome GupShup platform (https://www.gupshup.io)
So, go forth and shop and have fun and grab a Trump by the .... wallet 😽
Just a note that we wrote the app over using API.AI and now there is a Twitter bot, Slack bot, Messenger bot and a Skype bot... check it out on http://dumpthetrumps.neocities.org