IT Support on demand
Kelvin Wetherill

NerdApp — On demand IT support for everyone

NerdApp offers online or on-site IT support to consumers. For on-demand tech support for anyone who needs help setting up or fixing any tech problems, including computers, mobile phones, smart devices and more! Sign up for free and book a Nerd

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ayberk bozkus
it seems useful, keep going
Kelvin Wetherill
@ayberkbozkus Thank you for the kind words :)
henry slow
@ayberkbozkus @kelvin_wetherill So finally, there’s an app that provides tech support. This app was needed long ago and should have been released long ago, but we’re glad it’s finally here. Some of you might not understand what I’m trying to say because you already underestimate this app. I’ve been using for a while now, but I think with this one, I now have better options. I can choose from the two depending on what I need and other factors. Do you actually know that the more you use this tech support, the less crucial they become because, the more you use it, the more you become familiar with your gadgets?
Kelvin Wetherill
We built NerdApp because we found that no one really knew who to contact for IT support! Now they can download the App and get help in over 30 countries.
Chloe Bourgeois
Loved it!