oh, having users go through all ratings only to surprise at the end with a facebook login requirement is a serious let down. why don't you state clearly on page 1, "facebook is required to view results"?
I'm gonna add as @jakelprice and @passingnotes that the FB login at the end is a huge bummer. I'm pretty sure most of the users will churn at that point.
@jpvalery Have to validate individual responses somehow but we're going to make the results page a bit more visible at the very least. Thanks for the feedback.
@jakelprice Thanks for the feedback! We have to validate the actual response somehow but we're going to add an option to see the results if you choose not to validate shortly.
@ckeck@jakelprice Can you help explain how an email address validates a user? Can't someone have many email addresses, or use + modifiers to vote many times from the same email?
Wouldn't a CAPTCHA + some basic IP limiting work?
Well the results are definitely reflective of silicon valley. However, not nearly reflective of the country as a whole and by no way "the most accurate" predictions of the election. According to these results, Sanders would win by a monumental landslide and we could just call the election right now.
However, in all reality, the chance of Sanders even becoming the democratic nominee is not great (not based on my opinion of him, just realistic given current caucus results).
On the republican side, you can clearly see 90% or more of the polled people aren't republican, so once again skewing results from normal. In reality the republican/democratic split in america is a nearly perfect tie. Yes this is contrary to what you hear in silicon valley and on the media, but half of America is statistically Republican.
On the republican front, these results show trump as dead last. According to these results it makes him look like he should just drop out of the race now. However, the reality is much the contrary. Trump is leading the republican caucuses by a large margin. Also, Kasich can't possibly win even if he won every last delegate vote available to him. Trump will most likely become the republican nominee, despite the information here showing that he is the least likely to become president.
I am just saying that unfortunately its a hard sell to claim that this is the most accurate prediction of the presidential candidates. Its the farthest off the marks that I have ever seen yet.
@_jacurtis Thanks for your input! In terms of today's results, I completely agree with you, it's not currently representative of the nation as a whole yet.
What I hope you keep in mind is that this is brand-new, literally went live two days ago. The early data is obviously skewed based on where we have appeared thus far. It's likely that it will take a few weeks or more for the data to normalize — our current sample size is very small from a statistical standpoint.
The general election is a long ways away and we're just getting started. Stay with us and you'll see.
For the past two years we've (Promoter.io) been using the NPS (Net Promoter System) methodology to accurately measure customer sentiment for our customers (https://siftery.com/promoterio).
Two weeks ago, when discovering how inaccurate and biased the presidential polling was, we wondered if we could use NPS to predict who is going to win the 2016 election?
So, like any good startup does, rather than speculate, we built a product to find out.
Net Presidential Score is using Promoter.io's technology and the methodology behind NPS to measure the human sentiment of each candidate individually. We've randomized the order and removed party affiliations to make it about the candidate, not the party.
What's really cool is that, in addition to the candidates score, you get to see the reasoning behind everyone's decision — which is a missing component in every poll.
Happy to answer any questions.
I imagine it's highly unrepresentative but I found it the most interesting to see the comments from people who were proponents of certain candidates who I believe are walking demons (Cruz... cough cough). Fascinating stuff.
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