The intertwining of our engineers in Silicon Valley and the creative minds in Hollywood has opened up this new world of storytelling possibilities on Netflix.
"The Netflix website, Android Devices, Chromecast and Apple TV do not support interactive content at this time."
This appears to only work on "smart" TV's, iOS, and game consoles right now.
Very strange choice to release something that doesn't yet work on their own website nor 2 of the biggest viewing platforms. Funny that their promo video shows the kids watching on an Android tablet, which isn't supported.
So, why did we not animate all those Choose Your Own Adventure novels from the 80s?
All kidding aside, this could be a great feature for Netflix if they can keep content fresh. Obviously not AS fresh for younger kids, but for older kids and adults they'll need to have regular interactive content.
Great to see though!
I love storytelling that engages the reader (I guess viewer I'm this case!) to think creatively. This simple format from Netflix lends itself nicely to a kids audience, but I'm sure there's room to grow the content library and interaction styles.
Nice work Netflix! 👏
Both stories seem to have a male main character. Couldn't one of these projects have started with a female character that young girls can identify with rather than having to follow along a boy's (or male cat's) adventure?
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