Ben Tossell

#30DayStartup - Learn to build and launch your startup in 30 days, for free

Learn to build and launch your startup in 30 days, for free.

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Ben Tossell
Hey! Simple enough, it's a challenge to get people to stop making excuses and actually build their ideas. You'll get access to the curriculum with various topics, recommendations, tutorials, links to help you at various stages of building your startup. The first stage is live especially for signups from PH and more content will be released from August 1st. Let's get building!
Andrew CM Yip
I love this kind of initiatives: hands-on step by step guides. Is there a community component to it?
Ben Tossell
@andrewyip yep! Will get everyone in a slack group or Spectrum forum :)
Andrew CM Yip
@bentossell great to know! is there also a set of web toolkit that comes with the cirriculum? say BMC, test/hypothesis cards etc
Ben Tossell
@andrewyip what do you mean by those examples? Would love to include anything that makes this experience better!
Andrew CM Yip
@bentossell I try to understand in addition to the cirriculum, will there be some sort of web tool/platform that we can organize our learning and proceed with the 30days.
Ben Tossell
@andrewyip there will be links to complete certain steps and part of the curriculum :)
Neil Cocker
Looks great! I know this is a bit of a "how long is a piece of string?" question, but what's the expected time commitment for this? Thinking of those of us who already run other startups, or have fulltime jobs, but want to get that side-gig up and running so that it doesn't rattle around their brain for another 6 months!
Ben Tossell
@neilcocker 30 days 😛 Ha well the first group of signups, content will be released based on a 30 day timeframe... but you can go as slow as you like really. After all content is released from the first 30 day cohort, you could essentially run through all the stages in a week. I want this to become something that people start and finish whenever they want but to get people launching. It will hopefully become a continuous challenge.
Neil Cocker
@bentossell Great! Yeah, an interesting challenge. It's like NaNoWriMo (or whatever it's called) - the steps are the same over however long you choose to do it, but giving it a realistic timeframe and deadline are key to momentum and progress! Good work.
Neil Cocker
@bentossell p.s. I kind of meant "time per day" rather than overall time, but I know it's a pointless question, really ;-)
Ben Tossell
@neilcocker Yeah I recommend at least 30 mins per day. All the recommendations are based on zero code so shouldnt be unrealistic
I like how your ecosystem is taking shape! All the best!
Ben Tossell
@leandro8209 Cheers! All pointing to the same goal for sure

Been subscribed to newco for a month now.

I used to think I didn't have the skills or know how necessary to validate my ideas or build products. I depended on developers or had to learn how to code (which really isn't my thing)

Ben teaches everyone how to think about problems and opportunities and how to build and deliver an mvp that solves those issues.

For every non technical professional out there, I believe newco will deffinitelly give you a competitive advantage at work or on your personal side projects.


Learn to think about problems and validating mvps.

Learn to use the tools to build them(no code).

Get support and tips from the community.


Just starting, not that many tutorials yet.

Ben Tossell
I certainly need to spend some time with my head down putting out lots more content! The original idea was one tutorial a week but I want to speed that up for sure! Appreciate your kind words and review!
@bentossel this looks awesome. Good work !

I wanted to like this but it lacked vitality.


Well sourced


Speaker is dreadfully dull and sort of mumbles which for a product like this - teaching - is not good.

Ben Tossell
wow... uhmmm ok. Will actually work on not sounding dull! Can be known to mumble so will try and make sure I address this too.
Andre Farinazo
Looks awesome!
Luke ShiplΞy
Are we released content in a certain order? If not, is there an order to the content for #30DayStartup challengers to follow?
Ben Tossell
@shippable_ls Yeah content will be released in the order the menu is in currently... I'll also be sending out forms to fill in to complete stages and things like that too.
Very useful product thank you so much !
Alex Conner
This will be super useful for a lot of people! can't wait to check it out!
Joshua Anderton

Ben is building an amazing resource. This is actually valuable content that is easily accessible and easily consumable. NewCo is a great place to get inspired and learn important skills for starting and growing a company.


Amazing toolkit for building your dream company TODAY.



Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Babken Karapetyan
Interesting, well done.
Dalal Al Dilaimi
Awesome product and congrats on being featured on PH! I will upvote :)
Hey, where is the double opt-in mail? 😎
Awesome work, @bentossel. Keen to try this out.
Gulten Asgerli
Looking forward to starting ! Amazing work !
Zhenya Kazaryan
Wow, I like it ;)