Ben Tossell

newCo Toolkit - Find the best tools to start a side project, without code 🛠

This guide gives recommendations from tools I test and use to build side projects quickly, without code 🤩. If you're looking to build and launch a side project then this site is perfect for you. I release weekly videos showing how I use these tools (and many more) to build side projects and clone real-like apps like Airbnb, Uber, Yelp etc

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Ben Tossell
👋What I'm looking to do with Toolkit is build up a big directory of tools to help others get started on a side project easily. I want to add more features, ratings and reviews plus keep testing more tools. PLUS I want to actually add How-to's with each variation so you know the basics of how to get set up - the more complex tutorials will be available for Paying Members only. I've been working on this as part of my next tutorial on (how to make a curated resources site) - I actually started off a few years ago by making one, which got me hired at Product Hunt! Since leaving I've been finding my feet... Building without code is definitely that. And getting to teach others along the way is awesome. The first tutorial went out last week. I'm following other makers in being transparent while I build and I recently passed $6k in pre-launch revenue. Pricing has gone up again so get in before it does again!
@bentossell 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 love stuff like that that makes tech ridiculously accessible, easy and doable for absolutely anyone with a computer. It's incredible how many resources you've been able to pull together - I also like the list of different types of products. I look forward to seeing the videos. Where will you be streaming? One thing that could be useful, is if you rated stuff in terms of difficulty / time it takes to complete, in Hustle Crew for example we have such a range of tech confidence from people who are still trying to get to grips with a simple spreadsheet to those who've completed a few bootcamps and are familiar with product design.
Ben Tossell
@abadesi ha thanks! I'll probably have at least double the amount of resources on here in a couple hours (just got some life admin to do!) I'll be building and uploading on - some videos will be for free but the best ones are saved for my paying members obvs. Yeah totally - I do actually already have that functionality but just not implemented it yet... Maybe I'll do that today too! I really want it to be a comprehensive place for someone to go and see they can build "Insert idea", check out the tools, the how-to set it up, see what will suit them and their competence and then build it. So ratings/ease of use/customisability/price etc is definitely on the cards. Any other filter recommendations?
@bentossell I also think educating ppl on what you actually need for an MVP would be good... maybe you can ensure there are tangible examples for each type of product... could be a simple hyperlink to a site / web app. GL! 🙌🏽
Ben Tossell
@abadesi noted and deffo what I'm thinking :)
Hereripene Baker
@bentossell Cheers Bro!!! - thank you for the love - 'L-Plate Web Engineer!!!' hahaha xx seriously :) xx appreciated
Johnny Boufarhat
This is something I will recommend to any non-technical founder who wants to launch a business or prototype for a business. I can imagine it being incredibly useful and as no-code tools are continuously popping up more and more it could get more useful. The pricing at $40 monthly is quite steep imo, I think the current sale price is better value for now.
@johnny_boufarhat I also had some concerns around pricing - I'm not sure we're ready to pay for community access and content yet. But would love to be proved wrong.
Ben Tossell
@johnny_boufarhat Yeah totally get it... my pricing strategy is actually 'set it and test it' so if I get push back on $40/mo, I may not go for that! It's still early days but it is a subscription business and I'm trying to offer sale prices because of that. I do want to have a week or two of making 50+ videos to really get it going! Fuck it, I've reduced the price to $99 yearly again for this release! 🤗
Johnny Boufarhat
@bentossell Totally get it, set it and test it is probably the best way to go as a bootstrapper! $99 looks like a steal, goodluck and congrats!
Fred Rivett
I love how Ben is lowering the barrier to entry for shipping side projects & MVP's. As someone who spent years writing way too much code and it never being used, I totally see the value in decreasing time from hypothesis —> test. This toolkit is a great little place that I'm sure I'll be referencing as we look to quickly test out our hypothesis at my new startup.
Ben Tossell
@fredrivett Thanks dude!
Daniel Kempe

As a non-coder myself, I know how hard it has been starting something new. The tools and content Ben is creating will help anyone at any stage build that idea that's been running around in their head with zero code.


Easy to digest content, built on experience with support all the way through.



Abhishek Bhutra
@bentossell This is awesome. This is exactly what I needed when I was trying to complete my MVP for the product I am building. So that I can show it to user and get the first feedback. It would have been great if I could see some sample videos before paying for subscription so that I know what to expect. I am sure you would have that in pipeline.
Ben Tossell
@abhutra Yeah totally! I only have one video released right now, but looking to get my head down over next two weeks to try and get 20-50 (!!) videos, large and small, free and premium, up and ready!
Davis Baer
As a fellow non-technical maker, I love what Ben is doing to help people make their ideas come to life. Nice work Ben :)
Ben Tossell
@daviswbaer Really appreciate it! Will get back to your email ASAP :)
Paul Arterburn
This is awesome, @bentossell! As a developer that gets pitched almost daily, I'll definitely be recommending this as a resource for the not-as-technical folks to get their idea in motion. The other side of side projects that I field questions around seems to be coming up more and more as well: incorporation + operations. GDPR is a big one that affects side projects that are published on the internet, so understanding when + how to go about limiting your personal liability is fairly important these days. Is there room/plans in the newCo Toolkit for these things? A few services I've recommended along these lines that might be helpful for others: * iubenda for privacy/gdpr consent: * - free business bank account: * Atlas by Stripe (although $500 might seem expensive for a single fledgling side gig):
Ben Tossell
@parterburn Thanks so much. Yeah great idea. Will add an 'Ops' section!!
Victor Pêgo
Congrats @bentossell . What did you use to build the site? Webflow?
Ben Tossell
@vpego Thanks - yeah this is using Webflow
Vlad Korobov
@bentossell thank you for adding Tilda @obukhov_nikita in the Toolkit. Tilda also has the great emails constructor, so might be good place in Blog/Newsletter/Podcast, also 😉 And Icons8 team (@visualpharm) has great products
Ben Tossell
@obukhov_nikita @visualpharm @vladkorobov no problem! I found sendgrid difficult. I need to add more icon sites for sure. This is not a completed list. Will continue to add
Colin Dismuke

Everyone is going to have their preferred stack, but Ben puts everything in one, easily accessible place. Tools are always evolving; new ones being introduced, old ones neglected. This is a great starting place for modern, easy to use tools.


Great summary of pretty much anything you would need to build out an idea.



Emily Hodgins
Always impressed by your ability to ship products without being an engineer, love that you're helping others to do the same. 🙌
Ben Tossell
@ems_hodge Thanks Emilyyyyyy 🤗
Mohammed Rafy
Wow. This is amazing. Thanks a lot, Ben. Keep doing what you do best. :) I made a community management related job board (and I'm getting great traction as well) and it was totally inspired by your idea of building MVPs without even have to code. Next up on my list is curated resources thing.
Ben Tossell
@rafyasarmatta Wow! This is what makes it all worth it :) - on today I'm going to record how I build this exact site so perhaps that will be helpful!
Manuel Frigerio
Great job Ben, really exciting to see newCo moving forward! PS: thanks for including Maître in the resources :)
Ben Tossell
@mnlfrgr Thanks a lot! No problem :)
Garrett McCurrach
Why was Bubble not included anywhere?
Ben Tossell
@garrett_mccurrach Will add - I find it difficult to work with but we have a discount with them for members too.
Sam Dickie
Looks awesome Ben 👏🏻 great job. Big fan of the no/low Code movement and lowering the barriers to entery 👌🏻
Ben Tossell
@thisdickie thanks dude! Both doing our bit. Would love to have you on as an instructor!
very nicely curated!
Ben Lang
Top Product
This is awesome Ben!
Ben Tossell
@benln Cheers dude
Karthik Buddy
How the data collecyed
Ben Tossell
@karthik_buddy from personal experience :)
Vlad Korobov
For eCommerce store I would add There should be place for Intercom like apps, for example or
Gianluca Rispo
How is this built?
Ben Tossell
@gianlucarispo with just webflow. I'm releasing a video on it tomorrow