Ayelet Noff

NewsTab - A single place to read and share the news you care about.

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Arnon Catalan
Hey product hunters… excited to be here… I am the founder and CEO of NewsTab. In a nutshell, NewsTab is simply a great newsreader, with visual and fun user experience. Hundreds of millions of users around the world consume news via newsreaders. There are many newsreaders out there, but it is hard to find a decent one that provides dependable RSS functionality with a delightful UI and intuitive experience. NewsTab bridges the gap between modern news apps such as Flipboard (smart, beautiful, fun, but closed with limited coverage of news sources and regions) and open RSS tools like Feedly (which support any RSS feed, but have somewhat of a geeky experience). NewsTab is the only service that combines an intuitive RSS catalog (we index millions of feeds in over 130 regions worldwide) with smart topic feeds and intuitive, slick UX. We also integrate with Google News and Twitter, making it super-easy for users to follow Google News topics or Twitter hashtag/feeds. NewsTab currently offers a web version and an Android app. iOS version, is in the makes, as well as a new set of intelligent algorithms that will greatly improve our news surfacing capabilities. I am arnon@newstab.com if you have any questions or comments you want to send me privately…J
Oded Lilos
Looks great! Good luck @arnon_catalan
Arnon Catalan
@lilosod thank you very much...:-)
Liat Mordechay
I've been using the beta and happy to see the final result. Well done @arnon_catalan and the team! Love the UI!!!
Arnon Catalan
@liatmord thanks Liat! much appreciated!
Motti Peer
Awesome product, good luck!
Arnon Catalan
@mottipeer Thanks Moti!
Harel Tayeb
Well done, good luck.
Aldina Bajraktarevic
@hareltayeb thank you!
Arnon Catalan
@hareltayeb Thanks Harel!
@arnon_catalan Does newstab support ability to import your feeds/subscription from other services such as Feedly, Flipboard? Do you have plans for a new tab chrome extension?
Arnon Catalan
@ishu3101 we are not supporting feed import yet, but will in the future... as for new tab chrome extension - yes we are... may take sometime, but definitely on the roadmap... our web experience is perfect for that...:-)
Ben Judah
Loving the concept and design - looking forward to diving into this and letting you know my thoughts Arnon!
Arnon Catalan
@benjudah thanks! looking forward...
Noni Israel
Very cool!
Aldina Bajraktarevic
The Next Web about NewsTab Reader: http://thenextweb.com/apps/2016/...
Aldina Bajraktarevic
Android Community about NewsTab Reader: https://androidcommunity.com/new...
Aldina Bajraktarevic
Android Headlines about NewsTab Reader: http://www.androidheadlines.com/...
Aldina Bajraktarevic
Android Community again about NewsTab Reader: https://androidcommunity.com/5-l...
Aldina Bajraktarevic
GeekTime about NewsTab Reader: https://www.geektime.co.il/newst...