Stanislav Dimitrov

Dark CSS Generator - Generate ready to use dark CSS files for your website

Dark CSS generator is a free service using the same alghorithm powering Night Eye. It allows you to generate ready to use dark CSS files for your website.

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Good job! Do you plan to add a way for a developer to download 1 CSS for multiple pages.
Stanislav Dimitrov
@kambino Thanks for the good question! Although it might not be really practical for every website, we are considering adding it as a feature. We are looking to get more feedback on this!
Dami Dina
Pretty cool - I tested it out on my personal website by replacing the CSS file and it worked flawlessly. It'd be nice to be able to preview what my site would look like before I download your files. Also it'd be nice to be able to customize the default rgb color values you're using for fonts, buttons, etc. Those could be some nice premium features ;)
Kaloyan Dobrev
@damidina Thank you for suggestion. Yes, we are thinking for options for customization in the future. And to make testing even more easily for the whole website.
Dami Dina
@kokiweb Legit! The chrome plugin is pretty cool too - looks like it has a lot more features than the web app
Stanislav Dimitrov
@kokiweb @damidina True, the extension has been in available for 2 years already and in development for 3 :) We have a lot of plans for the dark CSS service
Stanislav Dimitrov
Hey guys! Dark CSS generator is a small tool running on the powerful engine of Night Eye - the dark mode browser extension. - We developed it as more and more of our users asked for a way they can run Night Eye on their websites. While this is technically not possible, we went on and created a small service that will generate ready to use dark CSS files. It is a tool made from developers for developers who would like to quickly add a dark theme to their websites. Few things to keep in mind: ๐ŸŒ It works on public websites only - nothing that is locally hosted. It needs to be accessible over the internet. Similar to how Google Speed Test works. ๐Ÿ–ฅ You need to implement the CSS file at the end in order in order work. ๐Ÿ”€ You need to create your specific logic when those CSS files to be used ๐ŸŽ› If you are planning to add an option the visitor to control the theme, you need to develop it yourself. We hope that it will save some time to all of you who wish to join the dark side! ๐ŸŒ‘
Violeta Dimitrova
Congrats on the launch!
Sam Fry
Finally! Thanks for listening!
Stanislav Dimitrov
@sam_fry1 Hope it helps!
Kamen Stoykov
Great work - I have been thinking to add night mode on my website for a while, but always postponed it. Will give it a try for sure!
Stanislav Dimitrov
@kstoykov Thanks! Let us know what you think!
Stanley Jones
Looks handy! Can I just add the domain and get CSS files for all pages?
Stanislav Dimitrov
@stanley_jones1 Thanks for the question! This is one of questions that keeps popping and we are discussing it internally. Weโ€™ve not taken this approach (yet) due to 2 main reasons: 1. If you have a personal blog with 100 blog posts and 5 pages (letโ€™s say contact me, about me, what Iโ€™m working on and etc). In most cases you would need either 1 CSS for the whole website or 6 CSS files - separate for each page and 1 CSS file for the posts. If we ought to generate file per each page it can turn out useless? 2. It requires a lot more resources to crawl each page, but this is not that big of a problem. We hope to get more feedback on that particular question in order to move forward with it.
Kalinikish Minish
Do you plan to add a controller that we can implement right away?
Stanislav Dimitrov
@kishminish Another awesome question! We have been thinking about adding it as an option. One of the big limitations would be that it will have one or couple universal designs that may not fit well the design of each website. Nevertheless, it will be useful feature to make it even easier people to add dark mode to their websites.
Kaloyan Dobrev
Do you consider dark mode for your website ?
Ramy Wafaa
Great product! are u thinking of having a visual preview page where u can demo the dark css on a chosen website and let the user edit and have visual controls?
Stanislav Dimitrov
@ramywafaa Thanks for the great question! It is definitely a thing worth considering as the next step!
Pool Marketing
When in doubt, dark mode it. Neat - I like it!