People shake hands all the time, but we're not very good at it. Think flaky friends, clients, and deals that fall through.. here's a better way to shake!
Handshake is an app that transcribes commitment into code, and immortalizes promises on the blockchain. This creates an eternal, unchangeable record of intent - without fear of forgery or fraud.
This app is a great introduction to blockchain technology and cryptocurrency as the userface is simple and its so easy to use.
Pros:Quirky and fun idea
Cons:none yet
Its my first day trying the app but I like the idea behind it. Would recommend it to a friend to test out together !
Pros:Free and easy to use. Very interesting idea
Easy to read even on small iphone 5 screen
Pros:Generates test ether for you without you having to leave the app
Cons:Convincing my non techy colleagues to join was difficult
I can see myself using this among tech friends for fun. IF they add more functions like attaching outside documents, it could be a lot more than that, maybe actually useful in business.
Pros:It's a unique concept
Cons:Not sure who it's made for