Nik Shevchenko

Free NoCode Tutorials - Free database of NoCode tutorials

WeLoveNoCode tutorials is a free database of NoCode lessons for such tools as Bubble, Webflow, Zapier and hundreds more!
Add your own tutorial and get a $300 promo code for Adalo - the most popular NoCode tools for building mobile apps

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Nik Shevchenko
When you are learning NoCode - it's essential to have a place where you can learn new skills and educate yourself. There are many good places where you can get content, but unfortunately, they are costly. I believe that people should have free access to such content, and therefore: am so excited to launch NoCode Tutorials today. You can add your own Tutorials to the database and get a $300 promo.
Julia Eklund
@kodjima33 do you plan to keep it free forever?
Jack Khrapkov
@kodjima33 @julia_eklund Yes, sure! Education should always be free :)
Nik Shevchenko
@julia_eklund We didn't have any plans to make people pay for it. We will earn from those who would want to buy some case and get it done by the developer on
Ola Ches
Hi! Do the tutorials pass moderation? Some services don't have this feature, and that makes me sad.
Nik Shevchenko
@new_user_283ac46df8 Hey there, yep we have it. I am not sure the moderation will still exist when we reach 1000+ tutorials
I think that all of us really need this product, will use it 100%. Hope in time there will be lots of dif tutorials to find
Daniel Gorenko
Hey guys i like it but Can you add more tutorials on Adalo?
Nik Shevchenko
@danyagorenko Hey there Sure, will add this in the future
Igor Ozerov
Hey guys! Will I be able to create product using no-code tools just based on information provided in those tutorials? Which tool do you recommend to start with? Thanks for this promo by the way! P.S. Believe, it's not the answer to my question)))
Nik Shevchenko
@new_user_281d618282 Hey, I would recommend to start with Bubble and Adalo. Adalo is the easiest, and Bubble is the most functional
Benoit Chambon
I can see more and more no-code app coming. But (almost) no one thought that tutorials might be useful. Thanks guys, you did it!
Jack Khrapkov
@benoit_chambon Moreover, we did it for free :)
Nazim @Koinju
@benoit_chambon @evgeny_khrapkov Do you have something to import json into spreadsheet ?
Pavel Ershov
You got used to launching on PH! I suppose the next your PH product will be how you made a lunch or something like that :)
Nik Shevchenko
@pavel_ershov Hah, something like that. We launch free small products every 2 weeks while you launch once in a while but... HUGE I was not expecting you get SO MUCH upvotes - so I envy a little :D Directual is a rocket 🚀
Jaisal Rathee
Brilliant! Big fan of no-code. Congrats on the launch guys. I'm looking forward to trying these tutorials out!
Hey guys thank you so much! I really like this, I found answers for many questions here
George Novik
Hello, done cool and totally noсode - impressive. It would be cool to comment on these cases, right on the platform, is it possible in the future?
Jack Khrapkov
@jorexnovik yeah, probably we will add the comments soon :)
Michael Kirik
Thanks guys! It's really breathtaking source of knowledge! Wish it would be more tutorials about features! Go on, u'll achieve high tops! I believe in u!
Jack Khrapkov
@chesh1re Thank you, Michael! I believe that soon there will be a hundreds of tutorials :)
Nataly Lobacheva
Thank you so much, I will finally be able to solve my own problems
Maksim Azyabin
Hi! Very useful! Thank you very much!
Jack Khrapkov
@new_user_47f1b2c12f You are welcome! :)
Zholdasbek Temirgaliyev
A very useful resource. It's convenient to have all the no-code tutorials in one place. I'll be happy to post my own tutorials on your platform.
Matthew Kuzmin
Hey guys, I had a quick look, it seems really useful to me Wanted to ask, would you ever post a tutorial on some complex projects? I would like to watch a lesson for one hour on some complex app.
Jack Khrapkov
@dan_levius We expect to have a tutorials for all levels of project complexity :)
Alex Hudym
Wow, that's impressive! The most full and complete NoCode tutorial on the Internet! Thank you guys for sharing it!
Jack Khrapkov
@sasha_hudym you are welcome, Sasha!
Artem Stepanov
How cool) It really wasn't enough. I'll go see what's in there. I hope that I will find a lot of interesting things.
Jack Khrapkov
@stepart you definitely will :)
Torianyk Valery
Hello, everything is very cool, and how often will lessons on Bubble
Jack Khrapkov
@torianyk_valery Bubble is the most popular NoCode platform, and we expect a lot of new Tutorials to be posted very week.
Anton Baklan
Wow, great! I've been just looking information about Adalo! Will you upload more cases?
Maksim Kaktusiankin
Guys, it's seems like you disabled a full screen mode on videos.