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Nik Shevchenko
PR Database by WeLoveNoCode — 4k+ journalists waiting for your startup's news
By downloading this list you’ll find everything needed to announce updates about your company.

Raised a round? Launched a new product? Something cool happened? Looking for Journalists to announce it?
Get access to 4k journalists within just a few clicks
Aaron Ball
Thanks for sharing!
Притула Михаил
Thank you! Very useful
Andrii Kpyto
So, I can't download it without SMS number? Can't skip this step on Typeform :( Sadly
Andrii Kpyto
@lisadziuba banner is ok :) but "x" on it doesn't work at all! So why put "x"? That was a question, no negative :)
Lilia Kolesnyk
Thanks for sharing!
Manuel Gotzen
Incredible; for all the tools i had gtpver I used to have my own algorithms for all of this. It's amazing. Even after 10 years all of this can be fully automated ... I and my team of 3 (+) people ...We were offered 4 million euros at the time ... Developing a process flow that is FREE for everyone to use ... especially since I of course more than understand the HUB NETWORK behind all this .. ... thx & HAVE A GOOD TIME
Denys Hriaznov
thank you! that should be useful 👍
Vladimir Levitin
Thx, ?makers! You just saved thousand of hours of creators' lives.
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Nik Shevchenko
After raising a round at WeLoveNoCode we had a dilemma: Where to announce our investment round? We found 2 journalists and reached out to them but they didn't respond. Then, we decided to collect all journalists in one place and send all of them an automated email. As a result... WeLoveNoCode was posted on Forbes. At WeLoveNoCode we believe that data should be a public source, that's why we decided to publish this list here and we hope that you will find this list useful.
Catalina Che
I love it! Very useful.
Zholdasbek Temirgaliyev
That's the real treasure 👍 !
Yana  Semour
Literally saved tons of hours! Thank you, guys! Good luck!
Vlas Babinets
Wow. Amazing job, guys. Thank you for that.
Valeria Zhyvotova
This is amazing! I’ll try to apply it 💪🏻
Ola Ches
Wow! This is definitely something that will come in handy for me in the future. I didn't think that companies could share such useful content.
Artem Stepanov
Cool!) I think this will come in very handy)
Wow! That’s huge
Alex Hudym
Nataly Lobacheva
★Liliana Pertenava
Dear founders, please keep in mind that you need a good story, a tailored pitch that is built in the context of what the journalist covers / their beat - to not get a bad reputation. If you spam outlets, please be aware it might be hard to further fix the relationship. Be mindful. Knowing email addresses doesn't solve your PR needs.