Gonçalo Henriques

NoCodery 2.0 - A no-code job board

NoCodery 2.0 is more than just a no-code job board, it is the place where you can pump up your no-code career for free!
💼 Apply to no-code jobs on the platform
📖 Learn no-code tool with tutorials
🎓 Brag about your no-code skills
🛠️ no-code tools directory

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Gonçalo Henriques
NoCodery 2.0 grows from the feedback of our users. Quickly after launching, we understood that our users wanted more than just an aggregation of job offers. That's why we made our profiles to solve two problems: 1. The need to have multiple accounts in multiple job platforms. 2. To give the ability for nocoders to show off their skills. Besides that, we had a lot of people contacting us on social media looking for tutorials for no-code tools. That's why we've added a tutorial aggregator where you can find search and find the best places for no-code tutorials.
Anthony Dike 🌻🐝
@gonelf Ayyy congrats on the 2.0 launch dude! 🍾🥳 Happy to see the growth of NoCodery More luck to you and your team 🍀
Gonçalo Henriques
@antdke thanks for the support 🙌
Alex Gorin
Hey @gonelf nice to see the growth of your nocode job-board.
Dimitris Kamaritis
Congrats @gonelf ! Awesome new features!
Juan Sarmiento
@gonelf Nice product ! Nowadays we are seeing a lot of projects around nocode movement, I have a couple of questions: 1. What are your main differences with other nocode jobs directory ? 2. Do you plan to add integration with LinkedIn and other platforms? Thanks in advance
Gonçalo Henriques
@juanpablosarmi Thanks for your questions. 1. We not only aggregate the offers from other job posts but also help our users by contacting the original post on our costs. 2. Yes we are looking into other platforms but there's no much offer in other platforms.
Anita Kirkovska
Great work! Congrats!
Gonçalo Henriques
@anitakirkovska Thank you :)
David Brown
Cool site! How did you build it?
Noel Lorenz
Awesome Job Gonçalo 🙌 Great new features
Gonçalo Henriques
@noel_lorenz Thanks a lot :)
Chris Drit
Looking good! Keep it up!
Gonçalo Henriques
@chrisdrit Thanks for the support.
Lawrence Lomeli
Congrats on the launch
Gonçalo Henriques
@lawrencelomeli thanks for the support 💪
Alan Tight
Love this tool!
Gonçalo Henriques
@alantight Thanks for the support. Is there anything you feel that is missing?
Wylly Christian
Very smooth onboarding process! Quite happy.
Gonçalo Henriques
@wyllychristian That is good to know :D
Jairo Bernal
Hi @gonelf, This looks like a really interesting product! I'm interested in exploring further. I do have a question for you.. can I email you? Best, Jairo
Iryna Lavrova
Super! very interesting and informative