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nodegui — Build cross-platform desktop applications with JavaScript🚀

React NodeGUI is powered by React ⚛️ and Qt5 💚 which makes it CPU and memory efficient as compared to other chromium based solutions like electron. React NodeGUI is essentially a React renderer for NodeGUI.

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Excellent, any idea what's the app download size? Example for Hello World app?
Tom F 🚀
@prakis I was asking myself the same question, but I think it should be way lighter since QT should be lighter than Chromium. But if anyone has an example I'd like to know as well.
Tom Shwa
@prakis @tomflitterman I actually tried it out and it seems impressive The app was simple, it displayed an animated gif photo, platform- win built project size - 80mb exe size - 55mb compressed rar size- 21 mb cpu usage- mostly 0 to 0.1 , max - 0.3 memory usage - 20 to 25 mb hope it helps
Miguel Piedrafita
How is this different from Electron?
Deepak Sharma
I'd be very interested in this esp. for CPU & Memory reasons. Are there any benchmarks available?
Tom Shwa
@new_user_200a2e59c2 I actually tried it out and it seems impressive The app was simple, it displayed an animated gif photo, platform- win built project size - 80mb exe size - 55mb compressed rar size- 21 mb cpu usage- mostly 0 to 0.1 , max - 0.3 memory usage - 20 to 25 mb hope it helps
Csaba Kissi
Im also wondering about the app size. Also is it possible to create menu bar apps?
Tom Shwa
@csaba_kissi I actually tried it out and it seems impressive The app was simple, it displayed an animated gif photo, platform- win built project size - 80mb exe size - 55mb compressed rar size- 21 mb cpu usage- mostly 0 to 0.1 , max - 0.3 memory usage - 20 to 25 mb hope it helps about the menu bar apps, i have seen one for mac built on node gui
What makes it stand apart from Electron ?
Tom F 🚀
@imcoffeefreak Better performances. Less memory and CPU usage. I'd be curious to know the size of a simple Hello world app though.
Ömer Faruk Çakı
I couldn't managed to run on windows
Tom Shwa
@ofarukcaki Maybe you are missing something, you would need to install visual studio 2017+ with "for desktop dev" setting and microsoft sdk included. Also you would need cmake. If you are on windows. text me if you have any issues
Jorge Dardon
Could not run on windows, node gave errors when doing npm start
Tom Shwa
@jorge_dardon Maybe you are missing something, you would need to install visual studio 2017+ with "for desktop dev" setting and microsoft sdk included. Also you would need cmake. If you are on windows. text me if you have any issues