Lyle McKeany

Midnight Snack - 24-hour mixtape by Noon Pacific

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Ryan Hoover
On a related note, I've been loving the mixes curated on @brian_lovin's Mvsic.
Lyle McKeany
@rrhoover @brian_lovin Yeah, he's been finding some great stuff. There are some better options surfacing for music discovery here and there lately. Still tough for me to find artists that I absolutely love, but I tend to like stuff that's not a bit more artsy and out there.
Brian Lovin
@rrhoover thanks for the shout Ryan - Midnight Snack seems like a really amazing idea, and super in line with what we were discussing in terms of curated mixes/playlists. Excited to listen to this one today!
Clark Dinnison
Agree @rrhoover, @brian_lovin has some great stuff on there!
Clark Dinnison
@brian_lovin @rrhoover We should chat about where we're headed with our music projects, could be some things to work on together.
Brian Lovin
@cdinnison that'd be sweet! Want to move to email? I'm following @noonpacific on twitter if you want to follow back and DM your address?
One thing the maker of this product should fix IMMEDIATELY is to comply with SoundCloud's API terms... more information here:
Lyle McKeany
@sleinadsanoj Hmm...that is written oddly. They don't give any specifics on what their quota is. Or am I missing something?
@lylemckeany sorry, wrong anchor (they kinda don't appear unless you scroll down a bit past it, meant to link "Attribution & Branding":
Lyle McKeany
@sleinadsanoj Ah, gotcha. Yeah, that seems ripe for getting shutdown, unless they have some sort of agreement in place. I know their regular site at used to have the playlist of songs on the right-hand side with links to the soundcloud pages, but now I don't see it anymore.
@lylemckeany yup. also concerning the possibility to "donate" it's tricky... if it's a registered NGO there won't be a problem but otherwise soundcloud could call this "commercial use" in which case they'd be able to shut it all down just because of that... that commercial-use policy they have in place is the reason why I halted development on my own soundcloud-based product... Not sure whether I will ever finish it because as long as your product is based mainly on SoundCloud content you simply CANNOT monetize it in any way. It's difficult.
Lyle McKeany
@sleinadsanoj Wow, verrrry interesting. Didn't realize you can't monetize at all. That's brutal. I guess that's their way of avoiding what Twitter went through when they decided to tighten up the API and subsequently put a bunch of app developers out of business.
Lyle McKeany
I knew they had something in the works at Noon Pacific. This is an intriguing idea that provides a good "mixtape" for when you're heads down at work. What was the inspiration for this product idea, @JustinZupnick?
Clark Dinnison
@lylemckeany Thanks for posting this! @JustinZupnick is helping me with another project called Music News (, but I'm the only one behind Noon Pacific for now. Trying to use NP to spread authentic musical experiences by trying out different experiments like Midnight Snack.
Justin Zupnick
@cdinnison @lylemckeany Keeping my headphones on all day with this. No more socializing at work for me. Good stuff! Love the color scheme too.
Clark Dinnison
Hey guys, I'm the creator of @noonpacific and this Midnight Snack experiment. Feel free to ask me any questions.
Brian Lovin
@cdinnison @noonpacific this looks great Clark! Excited to listen through this one today :)
Clark Dinnison
@brian_lovin @noonpacific Thanks Brian! Nice work on Mvsic, super clean looking and good tunes. Looks like music side-projects are a common theme for us product managers.
Brian Lovin
@cdinnison @noonpacific haha YES! It's a nice outlet, eh? I'm in SF now, if you're ever in the area I'd love to connect. Didn't realize you were also behind Upbeat (I was working with you guys on a Kollection fork a while back!)
Clark Dinnison
@brian_lovin Yeah I just saw your Kollection connection too. I'll definitely let you know next time I'm in SF.
Justin Zupnick
Lovin your stuff @brian_lovin. Headin to SF next week for SF MusicTech. Gonna be around?
Eithiriel DeMerè
Solid curation.
Clark Dinnison
@nikkielizdemere Thanks Nichole! Great work on Product Hunt, quite a community you guys have built here.
Justin Zupnick
@cdinnison never letting me down with the solid music choices.