Clark Dinnison

Noon Pacific Daily - Discover one new artist/song every day via text message

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Ben Tossell
I'm bad at song discovery, but Spotify Discover Weekly and Release Radar have helped recently - they also come in bot form. A couple months ago, Spotify also released Daily Mix which is also great for discovery - mobile only right now though There is also free services like SoundCloud Discover and What is the motivation behind charging people to receive these messages? I know it's not much but why are these songs going to be better than the ones people can find elsewhere? I assume they are hand-picked in categories people choose and are they picked based on peoples current libraries? How does it work?
Clark Dinnison
@bentossell Hey Ben — great questions. All of those services you mentioned are excellent, especially Spotify's recent products which are hyper-personalized based on your listening habits. Using those services, however, still requires work in choosing a playlist, filtering through songs, etc. Noon Pacific Daily is delivered directly to you and is 100% human curated — built on the trust that we have created over the past 4 years of making weekly mixtapes. We surprise and delight listeners with songs they maybe never thought they'd like — at the very least expand their horizons a bit. Our goal is to serve as a launchpad/accelerator for emerging artists with tools that allow the listeners to focus on 1 (daily) to 10 (weekly) songs at a time. We've found that actually driving plays to their songs helps the artist much more than a fleeting blog mention, even on the largest of music publications. The motivation for charging the small fee is the hard costs involved (Twilio + Stripe APIs) and the fact that this is a 100% bootstrapped and community-built/community-supported project. Subscription revenue goes directly back into building the label (supporting artists) and making more tools to improve the music discovery experience (for the listeners).
Ben Tossell
@cdinnison Got it! So it's more of a "try it, you might like it" kind of vibe :)
Clark Dinnison
@bentossell Yeah totally. We've grown 100% by word-of-mouth so I think we're doing something right :)
Derek Shanahan
@cdinnison @bentossell Piping in here as both a big fan of NP and someone who shares a song a day with a subscriber list, I'm starting to believe that music discovery powered by human editors with specific taste profiles is both important and valuable in the emerging music landscape, and I think about paid models similarly to the way media pubs are evolving. Access to music has been commoditized, but it still takes a lot of work to sift through all the new music hitting airwaves every day. On top of that, the quality of music an artist can make in their bedroom rivals studio production, and as such many artists can find you (the listener) without a bunch of middle men, while fanatics (like NP and others) are carving out direct channels to artists/promoters + scouring outlets for killer new tracks and curating. I think finding a tastemaker you really trust will please a lot of music lovers, maybe more than the best algo services.
Clark Dinnison
@dshan @bentossell Well said Derek 👌 👏
Clark Dinnison
Hey Product Hunters! We're launching our new project, Noon Pacific Daily, to you first and giving the first 1,000 people to sign up 33% off FOREVER. Noon Pacific has always been about making music discovery personal with our weekly mixtapes and I think this takes it to the next level. Here’s the plan: • One song each day (some of them exclusive releases) • Access to special events (concerts, dinners, parties) for subscribers only • Subscriber-only discounts on Noon Pacific shop products • $.25 of your monthly subscription goes to Charity: Water Let us know any feedback/questions!
Dave Lowry
@cdinnison love the concept! Big congrats on the launch
Paul Yurick
Love this product! Use it every day. Noon Pacific team constantly crushing it. This have become a part of my daily life!
Juan Jose Zevallos Coka
This is epic 🌴
Clark Dinnison
@chinozc Thanks for the support! Glad you dig it 🌴
Matthew Lydecker
Loving this!
Clark Dinnison
@ohheywhatsnew Thanks for checking it out, Matt!
Jackson Dahl
Huge fan of sms. It's really hard to pull off well, because it's a relatively intimate channel for most people. One bad text and you'll likely lose people. The upside is that you have a near 100% open rate and can end up being a personality in my inbox that I trust and look forward to. Excited for this!
Clark Dinnison
@jacksondahl Agree with all that! Thanks for giving it a shot.
Leslie Doyé
Congrats on the launch guys! Big fan of the service and have shared plenty o' songs with my fellow music fanatics thanks to your recommendations. I'll definitley be sharing this.
Chris FR
And...signed up. As good as a Gold Coast deal.