Chris Dixon

Nootrobox 2.0 - Compounds with cognitive enhancing properties for your brain


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Julian Lehr
I'd love to hear more about the science / research behind this. The concept of nootropics sounds awesome, but I'm a little concerned about safety, side-effects and long-term effects - especially because there seem to be a lot of dubious companies in this (unregulated?) industry. I'm sure you get this from a lot of people outside the biohacking scene, what's your response? Would also like to hear from @cdixon why A16Z chose to specifically invest in Nootrobox!
Geoffrey Woo
@lehrjulian Absolutely, there's a lot of noise with anecdotal and sample size n=1 evidence in this space. I'm also a skeptic by nature, but we're here for a reason. There's tremendously promising results from gold-standard RCT's that are published on legitimate peer-reviewed journals. The new funding will help accelerate our own R&D and clinical trials. a16z invests in technologists, and we understand that the fundamental data and research behind nootropics, cognitive modulation, and broader biohacking is constantly evolving and improving. Thus, our products and formulations are continuously updated to integrate the latest science and research. We're laser-focused on product innovation and the science behind it from not just the consumable product but all ancillary biohacking tools of which software is key. In a nutshell, I think we're bringing Silicon Valley aesthetics to the wild west of nootropics and biohacking, very much like how Lyft/Uber did so for taxi commissions and AirBnb did for couch surfing. On a broader trend level, I think biohacking is going to be huge. I recently wrote an op-ed describing the parallels of biohacking with the early homebrew computer clubs of the 70's & 80's - Nootropics and biohacking intersects a lot of regulatory regimes. We currently are fully regulated under the dietary supplements and food products regime. We're actually vocal advocates for "smarter" regulation as the space continues to grow and evolve - Check out our Biohacking Guide - @rchenmit and Sumeet Sharma who're both MD/PhD candidates on the team are writing scientific consensus notes on what cognition actually is, what the aspects are, and the ways to modulate them. Peer-reviewed articles are cited.
Matt Gibson
@geoffreywoo @lehrjulian The science/research behind nootropics is still lacking. Read this for an honest look at the science - https://www.sciencebasedmedicine...
Geoffrey Woo
@mattkgibson @lehrjulian thanks for sharing the post. The author makes decent points, but I believe he paints with overly broad strokes and with an overly pessimistic tone. Yes, people have made exaggerated claims. Yes, people may over-extrapolate results in aging or sick people to healthy adults. And of course, healthy diet, exercise, and sleep are definitely some of the easiest, low-hanging fruit to pick to gain performance. But behind all the noise exists legit, sensible, and reasonable results, and that's where we choose to focus our time and energy on. I'd encourage you to look at the research behind a couple compounds we use like and I think the notion of enhancing our cognition is a worthy goal to work towards. And lastly, in terms of regulation, we've thought a lot about how regulation should evolve as enhancement - as differentiated from therapeutics - becomes more and more mainstream. Read our thoughts on Techcrunch here -
Matt Gibson
@geoffreywoo @lehrjulian While I think the goal itself is worthy to work towards, I think you should do better at separating good science from poor science when you cite evidence for your claims. For example you have decided to cite the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine at least 3 times, that particular science journal is probably the least reputable journal (which should be obvious by its name) out there. Another example is the fact that caffeine is used alongside Theanine in most of the papers/articles you cite for "The Effect of Theanine on Attention" - which means that realistically it is caffeine (a stimulant) that is doing the heavy lifting, not theanine.
Geoffrey Woo
@mattkgibson @lehrjulian No, it's not just measuring caffeine. The L-theanine + caffeine stack performs superior to placebo AND caffeine control groups. We fully stand behind our products and our model to be driven by the compounds that have the best science behind them and that can be legally sold for human consumption without prescription and with low side effect profiles. And for picking out journals, you're really stretching here. We've cited dozens of studies including ones in Biological Psychology and other great journals. We're very comfortable with the data that we're basing our products on, and we're keen on generating more basic science. Appreciate the thoughtful questions though. It keeps us sharp.
Mr. Wilson
Thync, TruBRAIN, and Neurovigil are way more legit than you guys. To call yourselves category leaders and ignore Reddit criticism on your stacks is cowardly. Those other teams have actual horsepower on the management teams and you guys have no science credentials and no science behind these products, which aren't really nootropics (green tea has caffeine and l-theanine already). Pretty weak.
Geoffrey Woo
@cmwilson15 Hey, we're here. Bring up your critical feedback here. We don't ignore any threads on purpose, and we constantly improve our offerings. RISE and SPRINT are already on their 2nd version, etc. I think what Thync is doing with TCDS is interesting, which is adjacent to what we're doing with nootropics. There's some promising but conflicting data there, and I'd like to see them release their peer-reviewed data purely as a consumer. I have no dog in that fight for wearable TCDS of which they're one player. This is not something Nootrobox will pursue. Trubrain I actually have some opinions about. They're actually breaking FDA regulations by selling research chemicals i.e. racetams for human consumption, and if they're willing to do that, I'm not sure what other regulations they're really skirting with. I don't know anything about neurovigil. You may be referring to nuvigil, which is a prescription narcolepsy drug, and a precursor to modafinil. This is a prescription drug with side effect profiles that should be monitored by a medical professional. We're category leaders because we understand and are thoughtful from a manufacturing and regulatory perspective, and have a strong opinion on how the future of enhancement will unfold. We publish thought pieces and are widely syndicated. That's why we're leaders. Thanks.
Mr. Wilson
@geoffreywoo No, Neurovigil. They have a great team, backed by DFJ and others. I don’t see you guys as reputable in the biohacking space and reckon you make it more snakeoil-ish, not less. No bachelor's or advanced degrees in science and formulas that are essentially tea plus herbal Prozac..seems very sketchy of your team to be packaging herbal anti-depressants. You claim to be battling against infomercial types but with the typical “panel” of uninvolved scientists (not actually on the team), a bunch of planted positive comments and questions from your friends, nothing new in the stacks, over priced and low efficacy vs. what you can get from the web, and this is refreshing and different?
Geoffrey Woo
@cmwilson15 you clearly don't know who we are and who are team is. watch this to learn more -
Niv Dror
Big fan of Nootrobox! Congrats on the investment @cdixon and to @geoffreywoo and the team for making an awesome product. Happy customer of Rise for a few months now :) I'm curious about the newer products you've rolled out, Sprint, Rise, and the GO CUBES -- can you tell us a little more about them? (And about Rise as well 😊)
Geoffrey Woo
@nivo0o0 thanks for the kind words Niv! We're excited to work with @cdixon and @a16z to build a truly iconic nootropics and biohacking company here. When we say that we bring Silicon Valley aesthetics to biohacking, what does that mean exactly? It means constant, continuous iteration - a notion that hasn't reached nootropics and the broader supplements / CPG / foods industries. We understand that the fundamental data and research behind nootropics, cognitive modulation, and broader biohacking is constantly evolving and improving. Thus, our products and formulations are continuously updated to integrate the latest science and research. A little about the products themselves - RISE is your daily nootropic, SPRINT is your short-term focus boost, YAWN is for optimizing sleep, and GO CUBES (which is on pre-order) is the SPRINT stack in 'chewable coffee' form factor. We're already on our 2nd versions of both RISE and SPRINT and are collating community feedback and the latest research to update YAWN and GO CUBES. The @nootrobox team and I will be around this Hunt for the day, so drop us a line and kick our tires :)
Jack Smith
@geoffreywoo massive congrats on the new funding. I have no doubt that Chris will be an awesome partner to help take you to the next level.
Drew Lawrence
@geoffreywoo - I've been following you guys for a while, but am inherently skeptical of the benefits. As such, I've avoided taking the leap and dropping the $ to give it a go. Nothing personal, you just see too many of these 'magic pills' all over the place. Have you thought about offering a free 1 month supply w/ a sign up? Put the burden on your customers to unsubscribe once they sign up, but offer enough of a sample for effects to be realized in order to establish the value.
Geoffrey Woo
@drewlawrence Absolutely, there's a lot of noise with anecdotal and sample size n=1 evidence in this space. I'm also a skeptic by nature, but we're here and working hard for a reason. There's tremendously promising results from gold-standard RCT's that are published on legitimate peer-reviewed journals. The new funding will help accelerate our own R&D and clinical trials. We understand that the fundamental data and research behind nootropics, cognitive modulation, and broader biohacking is constantly evolving and improving. Thus, our products and formulations are continuously updated to integrate the latest science and research. Also check out our Biohacker Guide - @rchenmit and Sumeet Sharma who're both MD/PhD candidates on the team are writing scientific consensus notes on what cognition actually is, what the aspects are, and the ways to modulate them. Peer-reviewed articles are cited. We've played around a little bit with various sample programs. Honestly though, a typical user path is to try a bottle of SPRINT or YAWN, and then grow into other stacks. We'll look into how we can sensibly get more of our product into more people's hands.
Drew Lawrence
@geoffreywoo Thanks for the reply. I'll give it a go and promise that I'll provide some candid feedback. :-)
Thomas K. Running
How does your products compare with e.g. Modafinil? I'm guessing Sprint might be the closest one? Would it be a big step down from Modafinil?
Geoffrey Woo
@tkrunning modafinil is a prescription pharmaceutical. SPRINT would indeed be the closest comp from our line up. I'm not qualified to give medical guidance, but anecdotally, folks have emailed us being happy switching from modafinil or adderall to SPRINT because it's a lot less harsh of a chemical cocktail. for example, adderall is a proprietary salt of amphetamines. literally, it's prescription speed.
Geoffrey Woo
@vbarnett323 @tkrunning also one thing to not overlook, nootropics especially one's classified as GRAS have low side effect profiles and nootropic effects for some actually increase when taken chronically. This is certainly not the case with prescription-only pharmaceuticals.
Thomas K. Running
@geoffreywoo thanks for your response! I might have to give Sprint a try next time I swing by the states. Also, Modafinil isn't a prescription drug in all countries, I've purchased it over the counter in the past. And not that I've tried Adderall, but I don't think you can compare that to Modafinil.
Greg Van Horn
@tkrunning @vbarnett323 would love to hear your general feedback and experience on Modafinil vs Sprint or Adderall or any other comparisons you may feel relevant! Cheers.
Aarjav Trivedi
@geoffreywoo I am a @nootrobox customer, supporter, and a proponent of nootropics but I think it's important to not demonize prescription medicines or advocate switching from them to nootropics without context. I assume you are not making the argument here that someone taking adderrall for a medical condition should switch to SPRINT. Are you? @tkrunning
Brian Wang
It's really fascinating for me to watch a16z invest in nootropics and meal replacements, as these are two areas with a very deep history in the fitness supplementation world. Preworkout supplements often include nootropics for their purported benefits toward focus, stamina, and energy. One could argue that fitness supplements have always relied on bundling various products in their formulae and Nootrobox is unbundling specific elements into more focused products for a different market. Question for @geoffreywoo: have you guys spent any time observing the fitness world and drawing insights that could be more broadly applied to other markets?
Michael Brandt
@brianmwang One specific thing that's inspiring about fitness is how much people track their performance. At a baseline level, people like to track their weight or BMI. Beyond that, people like to keep notebooks or phone apps, keeping scrupulous details about their workouts, diets, and supplements, optimizing to get every bit faster, stronger, more powerful, etc. When it comes to cognition tracking and optimization, the nootropics and greater biohacking and quantified self movements are just hitting the tip of the iceberg right now of what's possible.
Rich Holt
Some pretty consistent negative reviews online regarding the customer service and not being able to cancel subscription. Is there reason for this? This is definitely an area where placebo is powerful (not saying this only does that).
Paul Benigeri
@_holt We've heard the feedback and customer service is very important for us. We ramped up customer service and started using Intercom. Now we have a chat widget that we respond to during (startup mode) business hours, and our average response time has decreased significantly. We're also making significant changes to our site which will make ordering and managing subscriptions much clearer and easier.
Virginia Barnett
@benigeri Hit it with all you have and outsource the overload if you need to, but Nilan Peiris of @TransferWise had a great talk about Product=People and the slide deck is online.
Paul Benigeri
@vbarnett323 @_holt thanks for the tip! I'll check it out tonight. :)
Virginia Barnett
@benigeri My pleasure! @TransferWise is an @a16z co too, @cdixon can put you in touch with Nilan. 👍 Enjoy the moment, keep your head down & just work your butts off👊. Grow, then open an office here in Tampa😉
Jad Limcaco
All I can think of is the movie, Limitless :)
Aaron Ng
Really cool. Just ordered one of each. I've had some friends in nootropics community for a while but never been brave enough to self medicate myself– finally feel comfortable dipping my toes in with something like this.
Geoffrey Woo
@aaronykng thanks for giving us a shot. drop me a line at and let me know how Nootrobox goes for you :)
Greg Van Horn
@geoffreywoo - any issues combining say Rise or Sprint when taking coffee with MCT Oil?
Geoffrey Woo
@domydeal @aaronykng no issues with RISE with MCT oil + coffee. bacopa monnieri in RISE is actually best taken with fats. you may want to watch your caffeine intake when taking SPRINT though because it has 100 mg of caffeine already.
Ouriel Ohayon
btw i have been dreaming for a long time to have chewable coffee, regardless of the health benefits, just for convenience. specially for when you re on the road/trail....i have pre ordered some. hope this is worth :)
Geoffrey Woo
@ourielohayon yes, they're awesome. i don't think i've had a cup of coffee in weeks now that we have prototype GO CUBES in the office :) can't wait to get them to you.
We already ordered some to try with the team @heytribe Can't wait to receive them :) (thanks @8artd @beller for the hint)
★ Karan Goel ☂
I'm tempted to give this a shot. How soon can I get them delivered? I have exams in 10 days, and it'd be an awesome experiment for me. Another q: How many sprint pills per day are safe? If the "boost" is 6 hours, I should be covered with 1 per day for about a week.
Geoffrey Woo
@karangoel it'll ship on Monday and get to you before the end of the week :) Maximum FDA recommendations for caffeine is 600mg and there's 100mg of caffeine per SPRINT capsule.
★ Karan Goel ☂
@geoffreywoo Cool. Do you also mind explaining how SPRINT is different (and/or better) than
Geoffrey Woo
@karangoel L-theanine + caffeine is great base and we think the additional components makes it even better. Methylated B12 (as opposed to cyanocobalamin), B6, Inositol (as an anti-anxiolytic), and glucuronolactone all in tandem for a focus boost.
@geoffreywoo are you guys planning to introduce any sublingual nootropics anytime soon?
@geoffreywoo Also would you be willing to release tests to show there is no heavy metal contamination of herbal based nootropics you are supplying. Many of the herbal supplements out there in the nootropics categories have blown up on forums about heavy metal contamination. I believe the limit for California is 10 PPM. Mostly concerned with Bacopa as it has been released recently that there is a heavy accumulation of heavy metal contamination in harvested Bacopa.
Drew Moxon
Used Rise since beta, and have been happy with the results. My original impression of the service was that it was an unecessary, pricey alternative to something I'd been doing myself for a couple of years -- building and testing my own nootropic stacks. Eventually I came to realize the value of this as a subscription service, pressed and measured ingredients in ready-made pills. It removed a lot of manual work from my little hobby, and @geoffreywoo and team have done a great job of making nootropics more accessible, safe, and understood. Looking forward to where they go next. Supplements can be a race to the bottom, but with A16Z's focus on technology, I hope we see this space expand faster with better data.
Geoffrey Woo
@moxon thanks for the kind words. i remember answering your customer tickets :)
Ouriel Ohayon
nootropics seem to have minimal side effects. what are they?
Geoffrey Woo
@ourielohayon check out our biohacker guide and our discussion on nootropics
Geoffrey Woo
@ourielohayon well, each nootropic has its own profile. If you have any specific compound that you want to learn more about, I can answer. Everything Nootrobox carries is an acceptable dietary component or classified as "generally regarded as safe" by FDA. For example, over-consumption of caffeine leads to over-excitation. In general, we keep our active dosages much, much below levels that are concerning.
Tristan Pollock
LOVE this. I've tried a them a few mornings. Def a little boost.
Geoffrey Woo
@writerpollock awesome :) good to hear!
any reason you couldn't do a product hunt coupon?
Edward Lando
If you start using Rise, should you stop drinking coffee or taking multivitamins?
Geoffrey Woo
@edwardlando No RISE is fine to take with coffee and/or multivitamins. You should use SPRINT in lieu of coffee though.
Suzanne Sheridan
You deliver to UK but not Ireland. So close...
Ross Currie
Great premise. When I was juggling a full-time MBA and launching two startups, I got really into biohacking. I think there's a lot of people in the startup scene that are becoming pretty reliant on things that are not necessarily good for them (whether it's prescription drug abuse, illegal drug abuse or even just too much coffee) to keep that hustle going, so gotta love anything that offers a better alternative. Things like modafinil, noopept or even a pre-workout will give you intense mental focus, almost a 'high' - is that what one can expect from something like Sprint?