Ben Broca

NOPHONEZONE - Share how long you can last without using your phone


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Ben Broca
Hi all! We're trying to gamify NOT using your phone for a bit. Looks a little silly in appearance, but fundamentally, aren't you annoyed when your friends spend 25% of dinner on their phones? NOPHONEZONE lets you "show off" on social media when you're OFFLINE. We wanted to create a super simple product to raise the question: Are we too addicted to our phones? Is this a problem worth trying to solve? Let me know what you all think :) Sent from my iPhone :o
Walter Reid
@bencera_ Interesting idea! Have a policy with friends at dinner, whoever checks their phone first pays the bill.
Ben Broca
@walterareid @bencera_ yes i love that one too!
Haha I love it... This is genius... My mom is going to be #1 of your leaderboard!
Ben Broca
Helen Crozier
Great product but come on @rrhoover 37 seconds??? Lol
I like bens works. turning bits of real life pain points/ entertainment into products. reminds me of @forestapp_cc
Ben Broca
@alexyoungkwon thanks man!
Emily Hunt
Downloaded - such a fab idea!!
Ben Broca
@emilyhunt100 thanks Emily!
Shaan Puri
nice @bencera_ ! Always a fan of the stuff you build (this one is esp out of left field). Reminds me of @tewy's "Do Nothing for 2 Minutes" app (or his other one, Checky? that shows you how many times you checked your phone that day).
Ben Broca
@shaanvp thanks Shaan! Love your work as well :)