Not Santa
The Simplest Secret Santa Gift Exchange App
Rafał Świętek
Not Santa — Super simple secret Santa gift exchange app
A Super Simple Secret Santa Gift Exchange App.
Organize a Secret Santa Gift Exchange for your team, school class, whatever... No more drawing names out of a hat anymore!
A new variant secured with emails available.
Brian Sewell
Perfectly simple. Love it.
Théo Créach
Super simple and super fun, thanks @rafal_swietek ! Maybe add a "share" button, but I like it a lot :)
David Ramalho
Even a year later and our team loves using this. Also great support when something went wonky with the secret links
Bratimir Medrano
How this app differs from Secret Santa App?
Rafał Świętek
@bratimir_medrano I'm not sure what do you mean. Do you refer to any specific app or is the name "Not Santa" confusing to you? The name is a humorous accent and it indicates that you're not a real Santa, even though you play "Secret Santa" with your friends. Otherwise, it's just a simple Secret Santa App ;)