
Noted. - Bring notes and audio together


Noted is a beautiful audio recording and note-taking app for lectures, meetings, conferences and more, making it super-easy for you to record every moment with confidence.

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Hi all, thank you for hunting us! The idea sparked from challenges we see that many students and business professionals face - an incomplete tool for their daily writing and revising. Many of us now like to use audio as a form of contextual note-taking but a common problem is that the recording is separate from our notes. Our app not only bridges that missing link but with extended features, so that everything is synchronised and all in one place! Also, we actually have an existing page on Product Hunt. Not sure if we could combine both?
@joseph_sunny thank you!! Love your BMC too!
Hi @terenzeyuen, I think Noted is one of the most advanced note taking apps out there. What inspired you to build Noted?
Vincent Loi
Hi @angeliquesocial, thanks for the kind words! ❤️ Adding on to the response from @terenzeyuen, the inspiration actually kinda came from shower thoughts 😂 but all jokes aside - the foundation of Noted was initially driven by students and the needs we saw from our fellow friends that were studying at University. After seeing their workflow, we think there could be a better way to maximise their learning experience with more effective tools. Of course, the brainstorming has led to making the companion which we believe fits for others too like business professionals, journalists and (from some user feedback) even songwriters! I'm personally excited to see the different use cases of and perhaps any of your own potential areas of use too.
Prashant Choubey
Any plans for Android?
Vincent Loi
@choubeysahab Hi Prashant, we'd love to bring Noted to more platforms in the future so it's definitely in our minds 🤔
Ryan Hoover
This is very well-designed. Well done, @terenzeyuen and team. I initially thought the app would transcribe my voice into notes. Curious if this feature is planned and if this makes sense for how you see people using the app.
@rrhoover Hi Ryan, we appreciate the kind words and your time to take a look at our product! I'm delighted to bring this to the PH and by some amazing responses from the community :) Transcription would work great with our app – this is actually one of our most requested features since launch and already in our roadmap! PS: Maybe you could introduce a roadmap functionality in @ProductHunt for makers to share their vision? This would be excellent for users to know more about new products and what to expect
Vincent Loi
Hi Product Hunters! 👋 Thanks @kenna for hunting us ❤️I'm Vincent, one of the Software Engineers behind @EverythingNoted and I'm really excited to share our app with the Product Hunt community! I have personally added a few links above, including a live interview 🙈 which will give you more of an insight into how Noted was built and our visions for the future. This is just the beginning, we've added Sketch to our latest update and there's a lot more to come. While my team is continuously working on new things, I'll be here to discuss or answer anything that comes up. Always looking forward to hearing any reviews too 😉
@everythingnoted @vincentloi1204 You're welcome! I have to say, I use my Android phone more than the iPhone and it will great to have it on the Android soon. Having this on the iPad is pretty useful though. Or iPod support (yes, I'm one of those who still has an iPod).
Vincent Loi
@kenna You're not the first one to say but yes I'd certainly like to support as many platforms possible! That's great - have you tried our sync feature? We're always improving the experience for our iPad users and in fact just rolled out sketch with full support for Apple Pencil if you're someone who likes to doodle ;)
Where were all these cool apps when I was a student 🙃 This is so cool @terenzeyuen and @vincentloi1204 👏
Vincent Loi
Haha thanks @amrith! They say it's never too late - maybe you could use Noted during meetings at @ProductHunt too? :D
Jake Crump
@kenna Have you enjoyed this app so far?
@jakecrump This app is great and the UI with the added graphics make it a whole lot cooler. I usually use a Sony voice recorder. I am however still not sure if this is the right match for me though. I've been using Otter ( which is cool, but I'm not sold on the transcribing.
Hi @kenna, thanks for sharing Noted with us! Can you add @terenzeyuen as a maker? Thanks a lot 😃
Rodrigo Hillion
looks cool I'll give it a try!
Alexis Elias
Great hunt! I am a songwriter and will give this a try for my songwriting sessions. It would be great to have the ability to edit the recordings, to punch in new audio at a certain location. And importing audio from other sources to have everything here.
Vincent Loi
@alexiselias It's nice to hear how people use Noted and songwriting is one that really interests me, so do let us know how that goes! I'll definitely pass on your thoughts to explore the possibilities ;) Import Audio has been supported since the v1.2 update, you can import files via the native 'Files' app (supports Dropbox & Google Drive too) by tapping the microphone (+) icon next to the record button.
Good looking note app. I read that you hope to support more platforms in the future. Any chance of a web app that I can use on any desktop OS?
Vogel Jorg
good dictophone recorder.
Jason Joseph
What you don't know but should about this company is they care about the work that NPOs do in the world They donated their platform to our team, and its made board meeting minutes a breeze. Thank you Noted!
Good looking note app. I read that you hope to support more platforms in the future. Any chance of a web app that I can use on any desktop OS?
Vincent Loi
@sectionsix Thank you - the UI was carefully designed by @fai2 👏 Noted uses quite a lot of the native mechanisms in the OS so that you get the best performance, especially the audio engine. We'd like to maintain consistent quality across all platforms going forward, which from a developers perspective maybe limited in a web app
Chee Yu Yang
Plans for the mac?
Vincent Loi
@cheeyuyanggg Certainly! Noted for Mac is already underway - do follow us on Twitter @EverythingNoted as we'll be announcing more once Mac is ready to say Hello :)
Jake Tran
so... Android and Web App?
@jake_tran Thanks for reaching out. These are definitely being considered for our roadmap but no solid plans at the moment. We will let you know if there are confirmed plans.
Love your design. A plan for making it on Android ?
Boris  Khodorkovsky
Do you have a Slack integration?
Hunter Peress
Invaluable for taking notes on a piece of audio. I don't EVER want to lose this app.