Take notes and reminders at lightning speed
Pawan Dixit

Notedown. โ€” Take notes and reminders at lightning speed

A Minimalistic note taking app. Notedown is different than other Note taking apps. As soon as you open Notedown you can start typing your note. After that, you can make it a reminder or choose to put it under a project right from the same screen.

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Pawan Dixit
Hi Makers and Hunters ๐Ÿ‘‹ I am launching a no distraction note-taking app written using Apple's new SwiftUI ๐Ÿ˜€ I made Notedown out of frustration that all note-taking apps wanted me to go through a folder structure and then hit the new note button to start taking my note. Notedown is made so you can focus on your current thought and write down as fast as possible. It makes note-taking and scheduling reminders a breeze. If you want to access your notes, press the 'Notes' button and authenticate with Face ID. Notdown also includes support for creating project categories so you can categorize your notes. You can access your projects by long-pressing the app icon for really quick access to all notes under a project.
Mittul Desai
@pawan_dixit1 Did you try Drafts 4? How are you differentiating your value prop? Their tagline "Drafts is a different kind of note taking app. In Drafts, text comes first โ€“ open the app and get a new, blank draft. Get your text down quickly, then act on it with powerful actions." sounds fairly similar.
Pawan Dixit
@mittuled I just tried Drafts on iPhone. UX for taking the second note or two consecutive notes is bad and takes some time. Also, I think UX flow, in general, is a mess. Draft seems to have complex UI placement choices for a simple and quick note-taking app. But I do see it has more features but those are not something I would want in a simple to use note-taking app. I think time to take a note/reminder matters a lot.
Mittul Desai
@pawan_dixit1 Reasonable people can agree to disagree on the UX choices, I'm an android user and haven't had a chance to try either one out, good going nonetheless. Also, on my ipad, I simply use a shortcut on the home screen to create a new note on notes. Works every time.
Pawan Dixit
@mittuled My point is UX, thoughtful intuitive UI placement choices and most importantly time to take note is all that set's Notedown apart from any other note-taking app. Notedown is optimized for speed a lot ๐Ÿ˜€
Mittul Desai
@pawan_dixit1 I just realized I can test drive them both on my ipad and give my inputs. But I love the idea of quick note taking. Makes all the sense in the world.
Anna Filou
Android please! It looks super useful and I'd love to have an app like that.
Pawan Dixit
Hey @anna_0x thanks for checking it out. No plans for Android version yet. I will let you know first hand if we make an Android version ๐Ÿ˜€
Rangarajan Tnc
Seems to be no different from Google keep
Pawan Dixit
@rangarajan_tnc I think Google Keep has some really bad UI placement choices that makes it tedious to take a note and reminder. For example, you have to reach to very top and bottom of the screen to complete taking a note or reminder.
How do you ensure personal data privacy and data security?
Pawan Dixit
@rajarshi1 Your notes and reminders are protected by Face ID and iCloud encryption.