It's our launch day! 🚀 We're on a mission to use AI to improve how people communicate.
We designed Notion to solve communications overload and help you build stronger relationship.
I’m here to answer any questions. 💌
@guysuter Looks great! What are the AI-powered features? From what I see, it's mainly about finding more information on your contacts? Is it also the way e-mails are being displayed?
@guysuter Hi Guy, the app looks pretty sleek and fun to use.
Can you please tell me what is the difference between Notion and Google Inbox, or basically why should I change my very convenience Google Inbox experience to Notion?
@tomolivier Thanks! The main thing on the Mail tab is that Notion understands what's important to you and helps you focus on what matters / clean up the rest. Radar takes this further by picking out things (using NLP and intent analysis) that need responses (from you or others you sent to). Those things are shown based on your typical response time with that individual person. How cool is that!? :) In the People tab, you'll find loads of rich data like responsiveness, connection strength, and introduction mapping that is all special to Notion. We hope you love it. Lots more to come!
@rotemthegolfer Hi! See reply above for some things. Our AI on what's important to you is personally tailored based on your individual usage for one. There's no need to change from Inbox if you like their features though. We do pretty different stuff and the apps work great side-by-side if you can handle that sort of thing. :) Inbox focuses mostly on pulling content out of your messages while Notion focuses more on your communication with others and the relationships behind the messages. Definitely check out all the goodies in Radar and People tabs. Here's a blog post with more on Radar:
As an overview, the Notion email app is designed to solve email overload and improve your communications and relationships. It uses AI that trains on your email history and current behavior to build an understanding of the people and email that is important to you so it can give you a better experience.
Some Key features:
✓ Unified Inbox
✓ Focus-based Inbox: See everything, miss nothing, but important emails are brighter.
✓ Smart multi-swipe: Clean out unimportant emails with addicting speed.
✓ Radar: AI-based email prioritization and question tracking.
✓ People Insights: Surface contact details and data buried in your email.
✓ Mutual connections: See the people who know in common.
✓ Origins: See the story behind who you've met.
✓ Smart notifications: Alert only for important emails (if you'd like).
It's currently available for iOS, Android, and we have an Alexa skill (pending approval process). Desktop is well under development. If you'd like to sign up for alerts on desktop, you can do so here:
Using the Notion AI, we are able to do some pretty striking things no one else has done yet. For example, our Alexa skill lets you: check for important emails, get details on your contacts (job description, how you met), among other things. It's so natural and seemless. Check it out here:
@soapko Haha, an interesting take on an ad for email to say the least... looks pretty great. Looking forwad to trying it out tonight, I have an Amazon Dot arriving by 9pm!
@vladzima Hope not, we've both been using the name for a while now I think. We could help them think of other ones though if they were so inclined. ;) We actually use pretty heavily here at Notion AI in sharing our design specs internally. I highly recommend! We adore our "brother from another mother" has they have called us before. Hehe.
@guysuter Congrats on launching @NotionApp!
I'm (a week) late to the party, but I am REALLY digging it so far. I'm using it for both work and personal accounts, and this is just what the doctor ordered. I'm an #InboxInfinity kinda guy and have been waiting for an automated cognitive assistant to help determine what's important and/or needs a response.
Now that you've earned all of this media coverage, it's the perfect time for (me to plug) @PressTotem. We have a #Free4Three @ProductHunt special, which means we'll build you a killer press page and throw in 3 free months. /cc @rrhoover@sarahintampa
@_jacksmith Thanks, Jack! As a product designer, I'm excited other teams are trying to build intelligent and beautiful emails clients and not simply another proprietary platform. Keeps me on my toes and makes the space better for everyone. :)
@_jacksmith@soapko I am in total agreement, being a long time user of @NotionApp myself, I have definitely been able to get more productive by:
1. Focusing on emails that are important (although not a big fan of the design changes in the multi-swipe made in the latest update
2. Leveraging connection details and responsiveness info.
3. Following-up on emails I haven't answered, and
4. Removing FYIs in one tap.
Now these are the features that I enjoy using but I am sure there are multiple others like Alexa integration and smart alerting which I want to use going forward.
I've used Notion, it is super sleek plus it's got features that make your mail a breeze to go through. It's reinvented mail as we know it, great work guys :)
@findabhilash Thanks! So pleased that you like it. Getting all features to knit together just right has been a great adventure. But there's so much more to do. :)
@adambader We're working on it. Not announcing timeline yet but you can signup for updates at the bottom of our Features page here:
Neat! How are you planning on making money? Will you keep a free version kicking around? I don't want to fall in love just to eventually have a broken heart.
@mckean Hi there! We are in the planning stages of team features we think businesses will love. We see big opportunities to bring our communications intelligence tech to b2b in fun ways that companies can afford. Our plan is to keep Notion free for individuals to use. No bait and switch here. We just need to work hard and earn the right to exist. BTW, we are super sad when nice things go away too. It's totally heartbreaking. Remember our friends?...
@guysuter yeah, a sad story, but they paved the way and shaped todays email apps. Now I've been playing more with your app and it really is impressive. The one thing missing now is a desktop client, can we expect that... soon?
@chintankarnik Oh, yes! Some of us on the Notion team were on the original Copy development team when we worked at Barracuda. We loved making that product and the people who used it so much! There was a lot of very inspiring creative types on it. A few of us left Barracuda ~3 years ago to start Notion.
Our friends at Barracuda have been super awesome and incredibly supportive to us over the years but I was epically bummed to see Copy end, just like we were about Mailbox. 😪 There is some strangely ironic overlap between the Dropbox/Mailbox and Copy/Notion backgrounds.
I wrote a story about that whole experience here:
I've been using Inbox until now, mostly because I liked the idea behind it. I think this is a much better implementation of "smart" email, and I love it already!
Guy Suter just reminded me I've been using this product since day one – even that early version became a daily driver for me, and it's been great to see it grow and evolve. This is the best email client, with the most insightful features.
Well, good morning, everybody! This is a mighty nice way to start my day. I'm the product designer at Notion. I develop the look and interactions. And I'm here to answer any questions you have about the app, our process, the tools we use, the future!
@guysuter Love the concept and the product looks slick, just signed up with my personal email. Will be testing it for potential use with work email. What was your intended user, work or personal?
Also, do you have any intention of building "Send Later" or "Undo" features? Those are life savers for me in my work email!
@scawtent Hi! Our intended user for the app is anyone who uses email as a mission critical tool to be productive. In addition to consumers, we will expand with features aimed at improving how teams communication in b2b settings as well. That will be similar approach to how Dropbox serves both individual people and companies.
Send Later and Send Undo are good ideas. We have had some new thoughts around that area. There's so many possibilities that our challenge is always picking what not to do. Definitely add your favorite ideas to so people can vote on them.
I've tried so many solutions that promise to solve my email issues and jive with the way I work. All have failed. Definitely giving Notion a shot! Congrats @guysuter!
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