Andrei Kurtuy

Novorésumé - Update your résumé for 2020

Novorésumé is a professional résumé and cover letter builder that allows you to create the perfect job application through an intuitive and playful process.

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Stefan Polexe
Hi Product Hunt, Stefan, CEO and Co-founder of Novorésumé here. We started Novorésumé in 2016 with a vision to help people land jobs faster with a beautifully designed résumé that stands out and highlights the core strengths of the candidate. Our vision statement is to end galactic unemployment and do it one impressive résumé at a time. With this tool, we have removed the pains of having to build a résumé from scratch, which frankly, can be time-consuming and a little dull looking. Our research shows it takes 6-7 seconds for the recruiter to skim through the résumé and determine if the candidate is right for the position. Novorésumé builds visually beautiful résumés and focuses on the sections that are important for the recruiters. Based on extensive research we have built a tool that provides easily customisable templates, interchangeable fonts, themes, and layouts. We also have a built-in real-time content optimiser that analyses the content, layout, experience, and geolocation to provide immediate suggestions for the best possible content. Here are the highlight features: - All the sections needed is already provided by our tool, so you have more time to focus on creating a quality content - Layout optimizer checks that content is readable and aligned - Live feedback will provide with tips and examples - Automated synchronization - Multiple languages - all sections easily customisable to the language preferred - Templates are approved by recruiters and employers The basic features on Novorésumé builder are always free. However, we are offering exclusive Product Hunt offer for 7 days for premium features if you visit and try it out for yourself. (This offer will be available until 31st of January, 2018.) Also, you will be the first to test out our new feature "Ask for Advice" which allows you to share your documents through a unique link and receive feedback from your network to make sure you create the best job application. Thanks for checking us out! We’d love to get your honest opinion. Feel free to leave a comment or a question here, and I’ll get back to you right away.
Mikas Stankevičius

I have used this CV builder for about half a year already and landed numerous interviews and a job with the help of it!

Good thing is that all of your CVs are kept in one repository and very easy to edit according the needs of your new prospect job description.


Surprisingly easy way to build yourself a sexy looking CV and stand out from the rest.


I'd still love a bit more flexibility on the layout, more drag'n'dropping to break free out of pre-set layouts.

Could have version control.

Stefan Polexe
Thank you Mikas for your support! We will bring it up to the next Scrum Meeting, how we can create even more flexibility to our templates :blush:.
Dan Siepen
Awesome product Stefan, congrats! I don’t understand the pricing model though? Why would you pay monthly if you only need a resume once to land a job? I understand maybe 3 months but 12 months? Not trying to be critical or rude, just want to understand the decision better behind monthly pricing.
Dan Siepen
@dansiepen it could be a great pricing model for recruiters as they may have to deal with a lot of resumes they want to edit, etc. but not to sure from a candidates perspective.
Stefan Polexe
@dansiepen Hello Dan There is no harm in asking hehe. From our research, in average a job search lasts between one and three months. We aim to bring the candidates in the first month at the job interviews. The is no automatic renewal, however, for some instances like freelancers and consultants, résumés/cover letters need to be created more often as they work with many companies. For this reason, we have created some special packages. Furthermore, some job seekers prefer to search for a few months their dream job, even if it means refusing the offers of some companies. Let me know if you have more questions:)
Stefan Polexe
@dansiepen thank you!
Benjamin Lupton
Why the insistence on the french word instead of the English one?
Andrei Kurtuy
@balupton we have decided to use the "résumé" in order to not be confused with the verb "resume". Also, the pronunciation is "résumé" even if it is written "resume". "Résumé" is an acceptable English word, only the origin is French.
Benjamin Lupton
@andreikurtuy how can an english word not use the english alphabet? I'm sincerely perplexed.
Andrei Kurtuy
@balupton I'm not a native English speaker, therefore I might be wrong, but also looking in the British Dictionary I found they used the word "résumé". résumé /ˈrɛzjʊˌmeɪ/ noun 1. a short descriptive summary, as of events 2. (US & Canadian) another name for curriculum vitae Word Origin C19: from French Again, I might be wrong, in which case I apologize.
Andrei Kurtuy
@balupton we got a message from one of our user that has seen your comment, but unfortunately could not comment here on PH, therefore I will add his explanation myself here so we can all learn something new: "there's no such thing as an English alphabet per se, since it is basically the Latin Alphabet (used by English, French, Spanish, etc.) and that's why even if in English these signs are not used this doesn't mean that this is martian; and they're part of the alphabet... but not used in English."
Simone Wong
I've been using Novorésumé since beta and since then haven't found anything better. It's simple, easy to use and most importantly it saves time for EVERYONE. No one wants to write a long resume and no one wants to read one either! Thanks a bunch for helping me in my internship hunting. 💚
Andrei Kurtuy
@simonewym thank you for your feedback, Simone! It makes us really happy to hear that! Wish you all the best in your future endeavors! Keep us updated on how your career is evolving! 😊
Mian Naveed Anjum
@simonewym @andreikurtuy Greetings, I can not pay money via credit card. can you pls. give me premium access for 5 days?
Cristian Paşca

Before using Novoresume i always had problems making my resume, thinking what to focus on, what information is really relevant for the employer, how to structure the data, if i need a photo or not. Congrats for making my life easier!


Easy to use, nice templates, always improving, tips & tricks


You can`t get to your second interview because you are hired at the first one!

Stefan Polexe
Thanks, Cristian for your feedback! We are glad that we managed to remove the pain of creating a résumé :blush:
Muneeb Hassan Soomro
This is an excellent resume builder! I like the templates and the ease of use. A recommended tool for every professional!
Stefan Polexe
Thank you Muneeb! @muneeb_hassan_soomro More templates will come soon :blush:
What kind of person need a monthly subscription to edit their resume every month?
Andrei Kurtuy
@huangdun we chose this pricing model after testing multiple ones at the beginning, and the current one was the best according to the user's feedback and results. When applying for a new job/internship it usually takes a couple of weeks to send different applications. As it is strongly advised by recruiters and employers to tailor each job application for each specific company/job opening; therefore creating a general résumé to apply at all jobs would be a mistake. It is possible, however, to use the Basic account which is free of charge and have all the features needed to create a one-page résumé.
Mihec Podlesek🚀
@huangdun @andreikurtuy That was a good question and even better answer. Nowadays is not about having one job and holding it for the rest of your life, in todays world, jobs and positions are switched quite frequently and as you said @andreikurtuy - one needs to tailor his/hers application according to position that he is applying to 👍
Andrei Kurtuy
@mihec thank you for sharing your point. All the recruiters and employers we talked with expect a job application to be made for that exact position and company, therefore it is worth investing the time.
Andrei Țiț

Say 6 months have passed and you want to update your old CV. But you forgot your damn password and have to go through everything again. The guys offer you a new access link in this case, so you don't have to worry about passwords or losing data.


Fluid user interface. Been using the guys for 2 years already, and believe me it's much harder to make a fancy CV without Adobe PS skills.



Andrei Kurtuy
Thank you, Andrei. We are really happy to see that users are happy and find useful the concept of the "Magic Link". The scenario that you described was on our mind when implementing it, and also it is one more password that you don't have to remember.
Daniel Infante V
Interesting tool, but I think you could work more on the look of the CV. It feels a bit like a Word template. At least from the screenshots, the templates don't look very professional or modern to me.
Letai Cristian
@daninfpj thanks for the feedback. I would however, like to mention that there is a limit as to how modern or creative a CV can be. The reason behind our somewhat standardised look is because we’re trying to create a blend between something that is readable and looks good but it’s also functional. We needed to take into account what most recruiters expect when reading a CV and also the fact that the ATSs need to be able to recognize the format. We have the applicats best interest at heart and given the current standards in the application process we are very confident in our templates. I hope this gives you a better understanding as why it is not really good to have something too modern or too different.
Daniel Infante V
@letai_cristian I understand your point, I wasn't exactly talking about getting all creative with your template designs. Take a look at or (I guess you have already). Those look professional and modern, while still being “standard” in a way that's easy to understand. ;) Cheers! Best of luck with your product.
Letai Cristian
@daninfpj Thanks :) While you may think they look more modern because of the fonts used and the abundance of white space or icons, they allow for little customization. Our templates, which you might find more 'word like', are thought out in such a way that they allow more content in one page and various levels of customization such as changing layouts per template, changing fonts type and size (3 different sizes) and even being customizable in multiple languages. Furthermore, we allow editing directly on the resume, so you can see in live time how your resume looks like and where you could fit more information. All of this because we want a larger audience to be able to benefit from our product. Indeed. A template that has some strict requirements, can look better but has limitations. However, one that is greatly flexible from person to person while still upholding the recruiter standards and being easier to read and appealing is better :). This is the reason why our templates have their specific look. They need to be approved by recruiters but also very flexible. But I have noted your feedback and we'll try to work more on it :)
shivanshu maheshwari

I have been using it since the very beginning and its just great. Never ever I came across something so easy to use and yet appealing. Really its been a great help from Novoresume in getting calls for internship and then a subsequent thesis. Thank you Novoresume.


A great platform to build intuitive resume. My hiring manager was pretty impressed with my resume.


Nothing worth mentioning!

Stefan Polexe
Thank you Shivanshu for your support! We are glad that you have been a member of the community from the start and that we managed to help you in your career journey.
shivanshu maheshwari
@polexes and @ Andrei- for the obvious reasons that its just the perfect tool for me to update and create my cv and a complimenting cover letter in terms of look and feel which happens to be a very imp factor in these docs i guess
Toni Prodan

I have been using the product for a while now and whilst it was always a great tool, and the feedback on it was great, you should be able to put the Premium membership on hold. Yes, I get it, it may go against common market practices but what if you pay for a year and then you land a job in the first month when you are on the market? The money are paid and you most likely are not going to use the time you have in the paid period but rather sometime in the future.

Not saying that all premium options should have this and that not your full period should be put on hold but just saying that this may be a good way to make the life of your subscription better for the users.


Great layouts and UX. Also a lot of flexibility regarding the structure and how you want the resume to look like.


The only con I had against the product was that if you pay for the service and have a premium period, you should be able to put it on hold.

Andrei Kurtuy
Thank you for your feedback, Toni. We really see your point and will consider testing this idea in the near future.
On The Maps Digital

I love this. In the job market it's getting harder and harder to compete. Having a professional resume that stands out from the rest is imperative to get your foot in the door. This product is perfect.


Easy to use, create an original resume that stands out and gets noticed.


Dont see

Neha Goyal

great platform to create attractive resume with less efforts and ease of use!


good UI !


to customize you need to upgrade to premium.

Alex Freeman
“end galactic unemployment” is one of the best vision statements ever!
Andrei Kurtuy
@thealexfreeman thank you very much! We'll strive to make this happen as much as possible during our lifetime :D We even "helped" Darth Vader in the past:
Casper Carl Soerensen
Hi Andrei :-) Pros: I had used the service, back then it was free for download. One of the best and easy way to build yourself a good-looking CV and stand out from the rest, and I have landed numerous of interviews within IT, and the HR department was saying that the CV was easy to navigate through. I was actually thinking about paying, for the service again soon. Great layouts and UX. Also a lot of flexibility regarding, the structure and how you want the resume to look like. Cons: For example, my Danish name is. First name: Casper Middle name: Carl Last name: Sørensen I had paid, for 3 month in hope for it could be change, but I have to change it be myself in Adobe Acrobat DC paid version, and with colors I think fit better with the layout. Therefore, this should be easy to change, with the skilled people behind this good service. Premium period, you should be able to put it on hold. I also miss the stretch function with the text elements like in Photoshop. Thanks for a fantastic service Novorésumé Team :-D Casper from Denmark :-)
Andrei Kurtuy
@ccsdev Hi Casper, Thank you for very much for your feedback. It is great to hear that you have landed numerous interviews and got good feedback on the CV you created with our templates. Could you let us know what you could not change after you upgraded your account? Because the name can be easily changed in the contact section. We will try to do some research and see if the model of putting the Premium period would work and how. Let us know if there is anything that we could improve to create an even better product! Thanks again!
Nem Ekpunobi
Best resume builder I've ever used!
Andrei Kurtuy
@thatchocolateguy thank you, Nem. It makes us really happy to hear that. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors!
Yandry Murillo
I have used this résume builder for four months as a free and premium user, and I think it is a great tool for creating CV's, even for non-english speaking countries. I got my current job by using one of your templates. A mobile version (app) would be great!
Andrei Kurtuy
@yanxav thank you for your feedback, Yandry. We are working now on improving the mobile version of our website, but yes, a mobile app will be created as well in the future.
Andreea Filip

I really like the way the info is visually structured, which makes it easier for a recruiter to notice what actually matters.


- great user experience

- fast to build


- i was hoping for more flexibility in organizing the info on the resume in a certain preferred order

Rareş Răducanu

I have been using these templates for a couple of months and I am really happy with it. It helped me getting some interviews.


Very friendly website. The tips and suggestions are very useful. Easy yo write your CV

