
autoComplete.js - Simple autocomplete pure vanilla Javascript library.


autoComplete.js is a simple pure vanilla Javascript library that's progressively designed for speed, high versatility and seamless integration with wide range of projects & systems, made for users and developers in mind.

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Words and Photos wont say it all, you have to try it yourself. https://tarekraafat.github.io/au... Let me know what you think! 😃
Vlad Korobov
@tarekraafat awesome lib. Would love to watch improvements!
@vladkorobov thank you so much. The Best is yet to come, so stay tuned!
I'll dig in more TMR but looks 💯 Vanilla JS ♥️
@textras Hope you like it and it comes in handy for you. Let me know your thoughts.
Zahin Alwa
Great work with library @tarekraafat ! I just tested the demo and love it already ❤️ . Silky smooth animations 👍 I will use it soon and let you know if i found any issue or any way with which we can make it even better!
@zahinize thank you so much, I'm really glad you love it! 😊 Hope it comes in handy for you, and looking forward to your feedback and contributions!
shakil ahmed
Looks good.. wished i could use the down key to navigate the option. Presently i have to use the mouse to select the item. UX can be improved.
@shakil_ahmed3 thanks, totally agree with you, "Keyboard Navigation/Selection" is essential and would improve UX significantly that's why it took place on the Roadmap under the "Functionality" section (Find it in the below links). https://tarekraafat.github.io/au... https://github.com/TarekRaafat/a...
Trandella Irina

I really like that this project has a declared clear future road map to enhance and improve the library, which looks to be upadted based on the developer‘s vision and the users requirments.


1- Different Search Engine Modes!

2- Super fast

3- Tiny footprint

4- Customizable & hackable

5- Written in simple plain vanilla javascript


1- No keyboard navigation, but it‘s on the library’s road map already.

Joshua Pinter
Can the `data` source be dynamic/RESTful API endpoint instead of a static list?
@joshuapinter actually this is a really good idea, and i've been planning something similar to it but still planning the best way of implementation, stay tuned for that. But still you have couple of work arounds that could be done currently to achieve same results and this is part of autoComplete.js flexibility. I would gladly help you with anything related just let me know, cheers! :)
Adora Nwodo
This is actually very nice! I'd definitely be using this soon
@adoranwodo i'm very glad you like it! let me know your feedback when you start using it, and if you needed any help just let me know. Good luck! 😊
autoComplete.js v5.1 just released! https://tarekraafat.github.io/au...
autoComplete.js v6.1 just released! - Ability to use Custom Search Algorithm
Regis Yu
If a search for the first letter of each word can display the search results will be more perfect. For example, a user search "sd", will be prompted to 'Sage Derby'
Hello @regis_y, you can actually do something similar to that through feature in autoComplete.js called "Query Manipulation" you can intercept user's query to change "sd" to "Sage Derby". Check it and let me know if that's what you meant. Cheers! :)
@regis_yu, sure have a look at the documentation, try it and let me know if you need any kind of help. https://tarekraafat.github.io/au...
Regis Yu
@tarekraafat I want to add a corresponding icon to each message in the display list. What do I need to do?
Regis Yu
@tarekraafat I tested the error on IE11. Is this compatible with ie?
Regis Yu
@tarekraafat I want to ask you: when I request data with ajax, a file in TXT format will report an error, and its prompt is: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: data.filter is not a function An autoComplete. Js: 238 At the new Promise (< anonymous >) An autoComplete. ListMatchedResults (autoComplete. Js: 236) At the exec (autoComplete. Js: 336) The at HTMLInputElement. "anonymous > (autoComplete. Js: 370) An autoComplete. Js: 309
autoComplete.js Library v7.0 - Just Released, Lots of new stuff added! https://tarekraafat.github.io/au...
Tony Territo
@tarekraafat Nice job. I've been looking for a replacement auto-complete in vanilla js. Do you have any config methods to automatically highlight the top result? My goal is to make it as quick and easy as possible for users to type a partial match and then just hit enter without having to navigate down to select the first result.