@rpunkfu Thanks Oskar! Our team has done an astounding amount of work in only a few months (we only officially founded in January, so it's been a short, but rough road from then to our first release) @_@;
I like the UI. This app feels like it's coming at the right time. Companies are becoming more conscious of these types of metrics more each day. Best of luck!
@kbclauson Thanks! We felt we had to do some small thing to make things a little better in the world... and the best part is that we (the users) don't have to take any extra time/memory to make decisions that reward the better companies trying to make a difference! :D
IDEA: I think companies would like to get access to your platform. Have you all thought about giving some admin access so they can talk about their corporate beliefs? Give updates on new initiatives?
@kbclauson We have a few avenues for companies to reach out to us already, but yes, helping companies be better global citizens is our endgame. Naming & blaming can only go so far, but showing retailers that they can alter their poor practices and get more customers for it gives them a clear path to improvement.
Hopefully One day every company will have a 5+ rating in every category! :D
@navictoro Thanks Victor, that is a great idea for a future feature! :D
There are still so many places that have poor cell coverage, especially internationally, so preloading cached data would take a lot of load off of the devices' network connections...
I know brian. Hi brian! great app concept. I like the idea of softwware passivley detecting my decision, and interferring when i'm about to make a bad decision.
props on the novel concept and clever implementation .
Wow what a cool idea. More awareness is so important for these kind of issues. As a consumer it's so easy to forget how each buying decision impacts the world.
@xyz_paul Thanks Paul! That was our exact thinking in creating Nudge for Change, We're hoping to solve for resistance fatigue, because it's impossible to expect anyone to remember just one of the categories we currently have researched. :)
I almost solely shop online. Could this hook up to my email to pull in my purchase receipts (like Paribus does, among others) and tell me about those companies I purchase from too? @tlanenudgeforchange love the concept showing to friends right now
Nudge for Change
Nudge for Change
Nudge for Change
Vinyl Recorder
Nudge for Change
Nudge for Change
Nudge for Change
Jason and Tyler 100mph Podcast - Episode 1
Good or Bad
Nudge for Change
Nudge for Change
Nudge for Change
Nudge for Change
Nudge for Change
Nudge for Change