Suhail Yazijy

Health News - Hacker News for health πŸ”¬


The ultimate goal of Health News is to create an intelligent and high quality discourse on human health. Let's do it together 🧠

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Federico Cattaneo
Nice! any plans for public APIs?
Suhail Yazijy
@federicocattaneo does 10-14 days sound like a good plan? :)
Suhail Yazijy
@federicocattaneo will let you know then. looking forward to see what you're going to build!
Suhail Yazijy
Hey PH! I've been working on HN, that is Health News of course πŸ˜‰, with couple of friends because we wanted such community ourselves; a place for intelligent discourse on recent (or past) developments in human health. The community there is still small but now open for anyone interested in a high quality discussion on health news, research and practices. You’re very welcome to participate with the topics that you find interesting or just consume the quality knowledge/content being created. I'm looking forward your feedback or questions to make this better together. πŸ’ͺ
Danie Lynch
Suhail Yazijy
@tai_le thanks Danie!

You should bookmark this thing


Simple, clean and straightforward! I liked how recent the topics are


Some topics may be difficult for non-scientists.