Suhail Yazijy

Health News Official API - Hacker News for Health, now with an API ๐Ÿ—


The official Health News API allows external applications and extensions to securely and easily query the quality content from Health News and create customized user experiences.

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Suhail Yazijy
Hello again PH! Since Health News got featured on Product Hunt and Hacker News earlier this month, weโ€™ve noticed some unexpected crawling activity ๐Ÿค– as well as spectacular human response. Thanks everyone (bots included) for the great interest, feedback and contributions! ๐ŸคŸ There seem to be several projects out there relying on scraping the website for data and almost no good API on the internet for collecting such kind of content. Following that, and to prevent a bot apocalypse, we decided to officially highlight the API endpoints that would make it easy to query our data in a more clean ๐Ÿงผ structured and meaningful format ๐Ÿ— While people like @federicocattaneo already asked for this and Iโ€™ve heard about a few exciting potential applications like curating specific news to health apps users, I'm very curious to see what is going to be made on top of it ๐Ÿญ Feel free to post any feedback or questions you might have!
Suhail Yazijy
@federicocattaneo we won't know for sure until we sequence the genomes of all those spiders we got ... thank you Federico! looking forward to see your work

Content on Health News can be a bit technical for some people although they do a great job communicating the core point in their topic titles.


One of the simplest and most fun API/API docs I've come across in a while


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