@david_diam Thanks for noticing! We really want people to get to experience Nylas Mail ASAP - and having that form there helps with the parallel processes.
Nylas launched N1 on Product Hunt a little over a year ago: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Then last year launched our Pro version: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Now, we're launching Nylas Mail - our latest and greatest, now totally free forever. We've completely rebuilt the architecture to allow us to provide a seamless, lovely desktop email experience for free while still having the plugin architecture to allow you to customize Nylas Mail to your needs. Open tracking, link tracking, enhanced contacts, customizable themes, and our Unified Inbox are available for everyone in this new release.
The difference between this Nylas Mail we launching today and the previous Nylas N1 is that N1 was paid, and this is totally free (and totally rebuilt architecture, blah blah). We actually have kept N1 as a separate product called Nylas Pro that you can upgrade to. (Business nerds: we've essentially switched from a free trial model to a freemium model.)
More info on our CEO's blog post as well: https://blog.nylas.com/nylas-mai...
We hope you'll try it - because we know you'll love it.
@dubstrike N1 has now been renamed Nylas Pro - if you have a subscription (or the old coupon codes), you're good to go. You can see a comparison at https://nylas.com/pricing
@shtooova We support Exchange via Nylas Pro - it's a lot more expensive to support so it's in our Pro tier. https://nylas.com/download-pro/ and there's a 14 day free trial if you want.
(Nylas Pro is not the product we are announcing today; we are announcing Nylas Mail, which is our free option. Nylas Pro was submitted about a year ago: https://www.producthunt.com/post... )
Great work @sachinag . I'm going to ask the obvious question here. What separates this from Spark, Airmail and similar solutions that have seen the test of time. The market for mail client is highly saturated at this time and switching mail clients every month does not make sense for an end user.
Disappointed the free version doesn't support real email, only proprietary services like Gmail, Office 365, and iCloud. You'd think IMAP/SMTP would be the default, and specialty services would be the exception! :)
@gleb_polyakov Oh very cool! The pricing page was a bit confusing. Great news! I enjoyed using N1 previously, but never could get myself to pay for a subscription for my personal email. I'm happy to see this.
@xinenhong In a couple of weeks! Electron makes cross-platform easier, but QA still matters. It didn't meet our quality bar, so we'll release as soon as we can.
This looks like a great option to Polymail for example (which recently started charging for link tracking) but having no iOS app is a bit of a deal breaker
I really love Nylas, it has the potential of being the best email client for Mac.. But there are some issues that shouldn't really be there considering the team which built this wonderful app. Cmd + A doesn't work, "Shift + Select"ing multiple emails works some of the time.. Come on guys!
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