Anton Bobrov

O'Time - Calendar visualiser app for Apple Watch


Not your classical calendar app, its kinda a cross between a calendar and a timer and is meant to give a clear picture of where you are in your day schedule exactly and help to see when you are busy/free during the week too. Calendar visualiser on your wrist.

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Kevin Schueller
What a great design and clever way for one to have a birds-eye view of their daily calendar and when free time is available. I purchased. I do have a question, however. Folks at my work create all-day meetings to alert everyone on the team that they will be out of office. It seems that when a coworker marks their event to have me as "required" accidentally, instead of optional, It counts against my free time. I don't accept these invites typically. However, when marked required it seems that their alert meetings show up as "busy" in the app despite marking them in outlook on my iPhone or the Outlook app that doesn't carry over to O'Time. Am I doing something wrong? Typically unaccepted meetings keep me "free" or open when they aren't accepted, but not in this app if I am accidentally marked as required.
Anton Bobrov
@kevin_schueller I'm stoked you like the app! Wrt Outlook issue. If you decline events using the Outlook app on your Watch or iPhone it sends declines directly to Outlook servers and then they are propagated eventually to Apple calendar on your devices so it might take a minute. I just did a few tests of your usecase and sometimes a declined event disappears under a minute and sometimes it sticks around for a while. What I also found is that if you decline them using Apple stock calendar app/notifications instead of using Outlook app then they are gone straight away. Also O'Time has a switch to turn off All-Day events in its Settings page. Yet another option would be to uncheck those calendars from stock Calendar app on iPhone so you wont see them anywhere apart the Outlook app. So these are the options I can suggest. I cant really fix or improve that in the app since it accesses all your calendar data via Apple calendar framework and does not talk to Outlook or other calendar servers directly.
Kevin Schueller
@antbob Thank you for your quick response! I'm a designer/developer myself and I know a good product when I see it! Super happy with this purchase. Your response makes a ton of sense and I don't think I'll have any issues with your suggestions. Apprecaite the helpful pointers to how to correct this. Makes a lot of sense to me! Best of luck and I look forward to your updates when you get around to it! Thank you for the one-time purchase. I'd happily pay for major upgrades. I really dislike the subscription model, however! This app is perfect for me! Thank you!!
Anton Bobrov
@kevin_schueller Another follow up. I have reworked this in 1.1 update which is now available. Basically if you are tagged as event participant now the app does not count the event towards busy time unless you have accepted said event invitation. It is still subject to any sync delays between Outlook and Apple calendars but this way it makes more sense and hopefully less annoying for people like you who get tagged in multiple events they dont wanna waste time micromanaging.
Anton Bobrov
Already plenty of calendar related apps out there so why another one ?! Well, I really could not find anything that I really liked on the Apple Watch and the ones I kinda liked required subscription anyway which does not make sense to me for a calendar app. So I wrote this app for myself based on what I wanted as little Apple Watch coding project but then it kinda grew beyond that and I thought others might find it useful too. Thanks to community over at who participated in public beta I'm quite confident the app is pretty stable at this point so its now on the App Store if you wanna check it out. Happy Holidays! :)
Keanu Kent Gargar
This is exactly what i conceptualize long time ago for this kind of "day" calendar view! Glad someone made it finally.
Anton Bobrov
@keen_dev great minds think alike?! :) seriously tho it was like a natural fit on Apple Watch and made sense to me. stocked to hear its not just me.
Carlos Liverani
Congrats on the launch! Big fan of pomodoro timers for productivity, but feel like they always lack calendar integrations. I think O'Time might be a solid alternative for my productivity stack. Are you able to put reminders to take breaks in between events?
Anton Bobrov
@loslivs Right now you get a notification before event starts and before it ends. In between events you have 'Free Time' events but no notifications for them currently. I can add 'Now you have free time for N duration' like notifications in future update if thats useful. It wont come out in the next update bc I'm doing some non English locales bug fixes for the next one but should be easy to do in the one after that. In fact I had free time notifications originally but then axed them bc I thought too many notifications was distracting but now if they can be enabled/disabled in settings that should work just fine.
Anton Bobrov
@loslivs Just to follow up on my original reply the new 1.1 app update has Free Time notifications now.
Carlos Liverani
@loslivs @antbob Thanks for following up! Just to clarify does the update allow for free time notifications during an event? Say I have a 3 hour coding spree on my calendar, but I want to be reminded to take 3x 5 minute breaks in between.
Anton Bobrov
@loslivs @antbob No, its strictly tied to calendar events so 'Free Time' is just any stretch of time between actual events. Sorry if thats not what you wanted.