Erica Xu

Obsidian Canvas - An infinite space to visualize and make sense of your ideas


Obsidian Canvas is not just a shiny feature, it's a brand new way to think. You can lay out text, notes, images, PDFs, or even interactive websites on your canvas, and make sense of your ideas in this infinite space.

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Erica Xu
Creator of Obsidian here. We're so excited that Obsidian Canvas is going live today! Canvas is not just a shiny feature, it's a brand new way to think. You can lay out text, notes, images, PDFs, or even interactive websites on your canvas, and make sense of your ideas in this infinite space. Thank you to everyone for your support and patience! Thanks all Catalyst members, alpha testers, and moderators who provided feedback and reported bugs. Special credits go to Matthew Meyers (@mgmeyers) and Liam Cain (@liamcain) for tirelessly shaping Canvas into what it is today.
Rhymer Espinosa
(@mgmeyers (@liamcain @erica_xu A toast to the launch. <3 Genuinely rooting for your success.
Farisa Ottaviano
(@mgmeyers (@liamcain @erica_xu Wow, thank you for all your hard work and dedication that made this launch possible! We are so excited to explore Canvas and its possibilities.
Gladys Atienza
(@mgmeyers (@liamcain @erica_xu This is amazing! It sounds like Obsidian Canvas has endless possibilities when it comes to organizing and presenting information in new ways.
Rissy Miranda
@mgmeyers @liamcain @erica_xu cheers to the creator and the rest of the team who has spent so much time and braincells to finally make this launch a success! All the best!
Awee Gee
@mgmeyers @liamcain @erica_xu Congratulations on your new venture! All the best! Merry Christmas!
Yess! ❤️
Nick Chomey
Life changing. When Obsidian came out, it fulfilled a 6-year-long dream I had for graphically linked notes. But, as it turns out, I never actually made use of the linking and graphing features because I found it too difficult to think about what should link to what, and the graphs were never useful to me because the nodes were arranged automatically/randomly and thus had little significance to me. So, I now realize that Canvas is what I was actually longing for, now that I see it. There's immense value in being able to manually link notes and visually place them in a sensible, permanent visual space. Of course, Mind Mapping tools have long existed, but never with the slick notetaking functionality of Obsidian underneath it. Now I'm able to continue with my preferred "technique" of just making a single massive braindump of ideas while I exhaustively explore a new idea, where I don't worry whatsoever about how anything is linked or organized - topics just get vague and redundant headers. Its truly the equivalent of writing a whole bunch of index card notes and throwing them in a box. I suppose we could have always done this with Obsidian, but the difference is that I can now create a mindmap canvas rather than some sort of table of contents, and curate the braindump fragments into their respective cards/notes - all of which can be easily, sensibly and visually found via the main Canvas. I suspect I'll make very limited use of actual links and graphs going forward. Obsidian is the best.
Looking forward to it. Congratulations on the launch!
Congratulations on the launch!
Danny Hatcher 🔎
Congratulations and well done with this. Such a good addition!
Liana Grigorian
@erica_xu It appears to be an excellent systematization tool for the educational process. Congrats!
Nick Milo
Whatever you think this is, it's better!
Cassidy Williams
This is so exciting to see. Obsidian is by far my favorite note-taking app, and adding this level of diagramming and linking takes it to a whole new level! Congratulations team on shipping such a polished product!
Drew Richardson
This looks epic. Really looking forward to trying this out
Dennis Crane
It seems an interesting approach to organize misc info. Congrats!
Canvas would be amazing on its own but to have this functionality able to surface my notes and content from Obsidian is a wonderful leap into a different way to work with ideas and connections.
Samar Ali
Launching soon!
Your product is fantastic! I love the new way to think about things. Congratulations on the launch of your product!
Muhammad Iqbal Dar
Great but I hope they optimise their Android app
MJ Maquiling
All the best on your launch @erica_xu !
Daniil Kreknin
Congrats pn the lounch!
So cool guys, thanks! Do you think it will ever be possible to extract parts of a PDF and organize these in a mind map (similar to what Marginnote 3 does)?
"Export as image" is the icing on the cake, very nice 😀
Sam Hickmann
As a big Obsidian user, I'm happy! Congrats on this new feature