P Sobiecki

Path Chooser - Dead-simple micro-tool that helps you make decisions

Choose between two possible paths using just 4 parameters.

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P Sobiecki
Hi! In my private life I need to juggle between two huge endeavours, theoretical physics and running a company. It means that I have to get closer and closer to decision-making excellency. Because of that, I use a few formulas to help me choose what to do. I decided to share this tool with the community. But before that, I ran a few tests to base it on the right parameters. Now the tool is ready to go. It is completely free. Feel free to use it as often as you need. I rely on it even a few times a week as it's good for both the big decisions as well as for the small ones. I really hope it will help you. The product is tiny, just a single page, but it can deeply influence the quality of your decisions.
@p_sobiecki Hi P., great idea. Thanks for sharing. How do you deal with scenarios when you are unsure about the probability of the outcome or really cannot define an expected outcome? Also, do you have a more mid-term/ long-term vision with this tool?
@p_sobiecki Also, how do you deal with cost types that are different from just time, such as money, reputation etc.?
Ralph Cullen
Wow, that looks super interesting! And judging by your work background, I trust it will be something highly beneficial for everyday folks, congrats!
P Sobiecki
@ralph_cullen Thank you very much! It really was something to build the essence of making the right decisions :)
Tytti Sandström
So simpel, yet helpful :)
P Sobiecki
@tytti_sandstrom I try to live by Leonardo da Vinci's quote "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication so thank you very much :)
Nifty tool!
P Sobiecki
@brentobox Thank you!
Alina Matvieieva 🇺🇦
Very interesting method. Sometimes I also need to do hard design decisions, so will definitely try it out!
P Sobiecki
@alinama Great to hear! Yes, this is often the most persisting illusion, that we should spend more time to develop the better solution. But should we? Sometimes the 5x quicker solution would have it's impact lower by just 30% etc. It's a sobering tool. So once again, great to hear :)
Marcus Kettle
What a wonderful minimalistic tool
Ivan Achille
looks great! any chance for you to open source the research/code?