Kevin William David

Smart Create by OFFEO - Generate hundreds of animated designs with a single image.

Smart Create speeds up the marketing team's creative process by generating designs in different styles and inspirations based on their product so that they can make a coordinated decision immediately.

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Sabrina Viot 🔮💞
I tried many video creators in the past years - Since I found OFFEO, I don't want to get another one. It's the best video creator. This new feature Smart create is just amazing! It creates video in a sec and they are converting like crazy. Way to go awesome OFFEO team!
David Lee
Thank you! @sabdigitalwitch I am glad it helps
Peter Buick
Above all else, Offeo are a great team! They seem to be designers first and then offer a great service. Last of all they are a SaaS company. I think the designs speak for themselves. If you don't like what you can create with Offeo, I'm not sure who could help you? It's a slick app. A responsive company. And they seem to actually care about what they do. I wish all SaaS companies were like this. They are also pretty great at being innovative. Even with the Smart versions feature you can taste that it isn't just some random variations of layouts and colours. It's themed. Each design has a mood. They're very definite statements of art. Most elements are humanly balanced. It's not just formulaic. I prayer that they keep going from strength to strength and never lose their mojo.
David Lee
@peterbuick Thank you for your detailed comment. Truly appreciate it. it means a lot to us
Saeed Ahmed Qureshi
I have used a few video editors and found OFFEO a very simple, easy, practical and affordable for a new developer like me. Thanks OFFEO. Thanks for being there.
Wilson Ang
Awesome app and fantastic creative OFFEO team.
David Lee
@wilson_ang Thank you!
Omar Farook
Massive time saver! This feature will make template selection so much easier, as you have proof of concept before putting any work in. Well done guys!
David Lee
@omar_farook thank you!
Adrian Bold
Having tried other products to create quick videos, OFFEO has been like a breath of fresh air. Simple to use yet highly effective. Plus, it's backed by a team who really care and give great support to their users.
David Lee
@adrian_bold1 Thank you! means alot =)
Precise Digital Media
Totally genius :-) How to purchase?
David Lee
@precise_digital_media Use it, have fun, only start paying when you need to export. Right now it is only $1 for the first month for unlimited usage.
Chris Closset
Love it, well done guys, Offeo keeps getting better.
David Lee
@leverager Thank you for your kind words
Sovann My
Best and fastest growing video creation software.
David Lee
@sovann_my Thank you! We will keep moving fast together
Laura Jack
Easy to use and fun too!
David Lee
@laura_jack1 Awesome! glad you find using it fun
Ankit S J B Rana
Love Offeo. The online tool itself is awesome. What makes it amazing is the founders and the active community in Facebook. Some of the design ideas that come out of the community is a total attention grabber. If you haven't tried Offeo yet - I highly recommend it.
David Lee
@ankit_rana1 Thank you! To us, community is very important, that's how we bounce ideas and come up with new creative creations.
David Lee
Hi Hunters! I am David, co-founder of OFFEO. Previously, our work revolves around creating motion graphics videos for clients and agencies. We thought that there must be a way for more businesses to benefit from the power of animated videos, without the restriction of generic settings and restrictive templates. OFFEO is created to enable anyone without any design skills to create compelling videos easily. We are thankful for the community members and users who have given us valuable feedback. Smart Create is made to shorten the time you need for your creative process, so you can create more and test more, in less time. Smart Create is easy to use. 1) Upload a Product Image 2) Smart Create generate recommended designs for you 3) Choose a suitable template and customise for your campaign. This is just the beginning, Smart Create will get smarter and friendlier. Expect to see more sizes and dimensions, more creative categories and personalised brand kit, so every creation is consistent for your brand. Any feedback and suggestions are welcome! Thank you @kevin for the honorable hunt! and thank you hunters for looking out for us.
Giulio Maselli
@kevin @davidoffeo it's a good idea, i like it. One thing: with Firefox and Adblock Plus it doesn't work: the blue edit button on the previews disappears quickly and cannot be clicked, only switching off Adblock it can be clicked. Second thing: when you upload a bunch of pictures, maybe in different sizes, they all look alike and in the UI you cannot see which one you have just uploaded. Some element to distinguish between uploaded file is needed, for instance the file name
David Lee
@giulio_maselli We are updating a better preview soon, update shortly
David Lee
@giulio_maselli Thanks for the feedback, let me try on Firefox and Adblock as well
Hilaria Asumu
Yay! Smart Create on Product Hunt. Guys, you need to start upvoting this revolutionary new way to sell your product. I used it for my service (David, I bet you didn’t think it could be used that way) with just a picture of what we offer and I got different designs which I’m going to be using as a mock up for a major campaign happening soon. I’ll post them in the FB group, David. Awesome. Keep those innovative ideas coming.👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
David Lee
thanks @hilaria you got to share with us how you do it haha
David Lee
@juliusdesign Thank you!
Zhengyang Peh
We love OFFEO. Their team is always engaging with users and they go out of their way to serve their customers (feature requests, new graphics, etc). They've introduced a ton of new, useful features constantly and Smart Create is a great example of that. Give them a try!
David Lee
Thank you! @zhengyang_peh we will keep improving
Melvin Lim
Congrats on the launch!
Vuong Hoang
I've gone through many video editing software, but OFFEO takes the crown! Especially with the new Smart Create, it saved me and my team TONS of time. The FB community of OFFEO users are great too!
David Lee
@vuong_hoang Thank you! can't wait to see more of your creations in the community too!
Vadim Popov
Wow that's really cool. Congrats!
David Lee
@popovvadim Thank you!
If you ain't using OFFEO, you are doing something wrong :)...Amazing product with consistent updates
David Lee
@osazeme_usen Thank you!
Grace Creative Virtual Solutions
the smartcreate helped me create an awesome intro and outro for my vlogs and product ads :D thank you so much for this feature
David Lee
@gracecreativevs Thank you! hope to add more and more useful ones for you