Jonno Riekwel

Officelovin 2.0 - Inside the best tech and startup offices

Officelovin’ is a website that features the best offices from around the world.

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Michal Ptacek
Thank you for the hunt Jonno, Hi :), this is Michal Ptacek, founder of Officelovin’ - a website that features the best tech & startup offices from around the world. We have just launched Officelovin 2.0 that includes a completely new redesign and some new features such as interviews with architects, as this time we wanted to focus on content much more. Our main goal is still the same though: to showcase the best-looking offices, by cooperating directly with the best architecture & interior design firms from around the globe. So far we have featured over 1,200 offices of companies such as Airbnb, Dropbox, Etsy, Uber, HBO, WeWork, Spotify, and many others. By the way :), there is also ProductHunt’s San Francisco office which we featured a while ago My opinion is that these days tech companies in general focus more and more on their office environment and we could probably say that offices have become the modern hiring tools. So also because of this, we will very soon introduce 3 new and hopefully useful features: Officelovin Jobs, designer pages and furniture tagging -> all connected together. I would be very happy for any kind of feedback or suggestions. Besides losing most of the FB likes when moving from http to https, we haven’t experienced any serious problems, but definitely let me know if you find any bugs :) Thank you! Michal
Ian Rumac
@michael_ptacek "showcase the best-looking offices, by cooperating directly with the best architecture & interior design firms from around the globe" OMG I was looking for something like this. Love it!
Ian Rumac
@michael_ptacek just wondering, is there a way to propose an office?
Michal Ptacek
@ianissoawesome absolutely. The best way to start would be sending me an email with high-res photos and some basic project informations.
Sarim Haq
Good to see it's not all about just startups/tech companies
Michal Ptacek
@sarim_haq You are right! :) Originally, we started mainly with the tech industry, but lately we have been focusing on other fields and markets as well.
Andreas Pavlenko
Nice inspiration and motivation 💪😉
Dre Durr💡
Winner Winner 🐥 Dinner Very Addictive! I could spend hours looking at offices DOPE!!🚬🚬🚬
Michal Ptacek
@dredurr I agree :). There is just something very addicting about "office browsing"
Kaycee Arya
What a simple ideas. I am your fan.
Daniel Hastik
Very cool simple idea. This can have interesting impact for various sides of the business - attracting people by visual company's identity to work for, designers to learn and educate their clients .. endless
Michal Ptacek
@danhastik Thanks Daniel, you have just perfectly described my vision for the product :) If you have any specific tips and ideas, please let me know.
Epic Ulna
Very nice to see this feature I will suggest you to click office removals wirral website for some similar service purpose.