Ria Blagburn

Oliver - Find your new apartment without the middleman


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Ria Blagburn
I know it's sometimes easier for landlords to go through brokers, but this is great for apartment owners who want to be more hands-on, or for people who want to try and find a new place to live without paying exorbitant fees to agencies.
Daniel Schwartz
UrbanCompass (now just Compass) tried to do something very similar. One of my biggest disappointments as an NYC renter has been that they didn't succeed in their original vision. This looks great, but the NYC renting market is insanely difficult to crack, they've definitely got their work cut out for them.
We are happy to announce Oliver's latest feature - Periscope video showings! Users can now view apartments from the comfort of their office or home, by scheduling a live vieweing of the apartment - see demo here -
Eyal Termechi
this is such a good idea!
Johnie Wilson
@termechi Sounds like a really awesome idea. True, instead of streaming through the phone, you can pre-record a short video where you show everything and if there are any questions, then you can stream through the phone. In my opinion, buying an apartment is quite difficult and even a little scary. But buying apartments abroad and moving permanently is generally incredible. I have dreamed of moving to a new country for a very long time, but I cannot decide to buy already built apartments or invest in a project? I have already found a project that I can invest in https://prestigekanakapura.house... . And they promise a lot of pleasant things that the living conditions will be ideal and that everything that may be needed from the services will also be at hand. But I need advice on how to proceed.
Cyou Ir
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