
WebinarNinja 5.0 - Beautiful webinars. No worries.


WebinarNinja 5.0 is an all-in-one, easy to use webinar software that has been created to allow hosts to focus on the content of the webinar and not the tech.

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James Markey
Fantastic promotional video, well done! #WebinarNinja
Omar Zenhom
@jpmentorsuk Thank you! πŸ™ It's hard to keep it short yet effective :)
Nicole Baldinu
@jpmentorsuk Thanks James! Appreciate the kind words!
Spencer Fry
A question Podia's creators often ask me: Why webinars? Why not Facebook live?
Omar Zenhom
Great question @spencerfry! Let me preface this by saying that the teams at Facebook created a great tool with FB Live and this is not to put them down. It’s to show you the difference between FB Live and webinars. The main difference between using Facebook vs. webinars comes down to the control you have...control of your long-term marketing and relationship building with potential clients. 1. With webinars, you collect your attendees' email addresses. This allows you to later follow up and build a relationship with your audience. You can give them more value and eventually make an offer to them. With FB Live there is no way to follow up and you cannot contact them directly via email. You can only really comment below the video and that post gets buried in FB quickly. 2. Webinars are a controlled environment. When your attendees are on your webinars there are no other distractions like notifications, updates or other things in the feed on the page. With FB live your attendees are a scroll away from leaving your presentation. There's a crazy amount of distraction with tons of other content everywhere. 3. With webinars (especially with WebinarNinja πŸ˜‰), you can be a whole lot more interactive. You can run polls, take questions (separate from the chat), even display offers right on the webinar page at anytime. You can also email them before or after the webinar to give them updates or reminders. 4. With our built-in follow-up sequence you can choose to automatically send your webinar replays to your attendees. You can customize that message to include any other offers or copy. 5. With webinars on WebinarNinja, you can share your screen and presentation slides. This means you don't need to be on camera all the time. You can talk over your slides or whatever your choose to share on your screen easily with no other software. 6. When attendees register and attend a webinar, they are coming with a different mindset. They are coming to learn and to stay for the length of the workshop. On FB Live, most are really only attending if they happen to be on FB at the time of your live video, with no intention to watch your live video to the end. There is a whole lot less commitment in this situation. To sum up, Facebook Live is a good tool within the social ecosystem but not so great for acquiring targeted leads and building trust with potential clients. Webinars are like presenting in a private auditorium with a captive audience. While Facebook Live is like having a stall at the county flea market, shouting for attention.
Krishna De
@bizrepublic Interesting to see your thoughts on this. Actually there is software you can use that means that you can run polls and take questions and share your screen on Facebook live. The integration of Messenger bots and getting people to subscribe by email is also changing Facebook Live today. I also see increasingly people asking for email addresses to then optin into a live stream on Facebook is a closed group that they only can access having gone through that landing page. What I am interested in is how tools like WN could be integrated into the platform that @spencerfry created (which I happen to be a customer of) - his platform is a great though I would like to see an integration with live streaming - I messaged him about this last week! Perhaps the two of you should talk as a user I can see some interesting synergies that would be great for both of your customer bases. P.S. Just a coincidence that I see Spencer asked the question as I was scrolling through the comments!
Omar Zenhom
Hey all! Thanks Iz for the share! You run a great PH community in beautiful Sydney. We started WebinarNinja back in 2014, scratching own itch. I was running webinars but hated the available solutions. I created a VERY beta version of WN to just run my own webinars. My attendees asked me what I was using and if they could buy it. In 48 hrs we pre-sold 250 spots. Over the years we iterated based on user feedback and today we have over 13,000 paid users. Recently, we released our latest version WebinarNinja 5.0. Our goal is to make the tech of webinars fade in the background so hosts can focus on the content of their webinars. We aim to push improvements and updates to our users every month. WebinarNinja is a self-funded, small team of 30 hard working ninjas. Please ask any and all questions you have about WebinarNinja or our challenging journey creating a webinar software.
Kevin Gilbert
@bizrepublic What are the new 5.0 features? Is iOS fully supported now in all features and functionality?
Omar Zenhom
Hey @wkeving! Yes. iOS is fully supported now (thanks to Apple allowing WebRTC in iOS11). We really worked on an improved experience in creation, presenting and interacting with features like: - Upload your PowerPoint slides & docs right inside WebinarNinja! - Faster webinar creation - Insert YouTube videos at anytime during the live broadcast - Dynamic layouts - Improved chat with Emojis 😎 - Our new Series & Summits webinars - A powerful webinar search engine, The Webinar Finder, to help hosts get more attendees. ...and a whole lot more...for a quick walkthrough of 5.0 and its features, you can check out our features page at: https://webinarninja.com/features/ πŸ˜€
Brennan Dunn
Nice job, @bizrepublic! It's been great seeing WebinarNinja grow & evolve over the years. Quick question: My preferred "stack" is YouTube live embedded on a static page with something like Chatroll, and then handling registration and pre/post follow-up using my ESP (Drip) Can I maintain a similar stack? And have my ESP handle registration (e.g. add tag to subscriber -> register in WebinarNinja)? My frustration with a lot of webinar software in the past is that they want to handle registration using their hosted landing pages – and I'd love to programmatically push new registrants into an upcoming webinar.
Omar Zenhom
Thanks @brennandunn! Loved seeing you grow as well my man. You're doing amazing things. Love this question because our users requested this a few months back and we've been working on it! We are hoping to release a whole new feature later this month called On-site Registration. This will allow you to use any landing page or/with ESP to register your attendees to the webinar. It will work with anything that allows an HTML form embed. We currently have a Zapier integration but are also working on full featured integration with major ESP's like Drip that will allow you tag to your hearts desire within WN based on actions like 'registered but did not attend' or 'left before your offer was shown'. This second feature is due later in April/May. Needs crazy testing as you can imagine πŸ˜…
Lorenzo Fiori
"It's not an ordinary webinar software, it's the webinar software". And that's right! Congrats πŸ˜‰
Omar Zenhom
@lorenzo_fiori Wow! Thanks so much Lorenzo. Our users are the best! They've help make what WebinarNinja is today!
Ryan Soper-Powell

Whilst I may only be a sporadic user of the platform today, I have been onboard since v4 was launched.

Version 5.0 was built from the ground up and ups the game all over again.

IMHO, it's clear to see why established personal brands have moved their webinars to WebinarNinja and I am proud to be a supporter.


Omar and his team work extremely hard to provide outstanding responsive support & the platform features and availability are second to none.


None that I can think of

Omar Zenhom
Thanks Ryan! Your words are like a power up from a classic video game- giving us renewed energy! But seriously, it's so nice to see how much our work is appreciated and pays off for our users.
Jose Paul Martin
Gotta admit, Omar and the team have been working hard on this, and they're developing improving it each time I see it!
Mike Sowden

WebinarNinja helped me launch the first version of my storytelling course and secured my first sales - and it was super easy to set up and get started with. For that alone I'd be grateful, even if the product froze at that point - but Omar has spent the intervening years constantly improving it and working really hard to add new features that actually matter. I'm now planning to make recorded webinars a big part of my business in 2018 and WebinarNinja is how I'm doing it.


Very easy to get started with, perfect for beginners, and seems immensely powerful beyond the basics (although I'm no expert).


None I can think of, frankly.

Omar Zenhom
Thanks Mike! You're a baller user ;)
noah kagan
LOVE seeing what this teams do. Yay more updates!
Omar Zenhom
@noahkagan πŸ˜€ You've been a great person I've called upon for advice along the way. Appreciate you brother.
Justin Jackson
This latest iteration looks great! πŸ™Œ
Omar Zenhom
@mijustin!!! Means a lot from a guy that is great at esthetics.
I witnessed Omar, Nicole and their distributed team put the final touches to the last iteration. It was such hard work and they did a great job. I am a big fan Justin, Product People was recommended to me by a fellow SaaSter a while back :)
Brian Dean

If you're doing webinars on the reg, I highly recommend trying 5.0.


So so easy to use. Plus cool advanced features if you need them.


Nothing really.

Omar Zenhom
Brian! You're an inspiration man. You are our go to source for working on our SEO for WebinarNinja. We are doing well on that front thanks to you but got more work to do, as always the case with SEO πŸ˜€ Got Backlinko bookmarked!
It's one of the worst products with even worse customer service!! People get disconnected from webinar all the time and they are the most unethical company when it comes to billing and customer satisfaction
Anire Tak

I would recommend this to anyone who is starting out on webinars or those organisations who have established webinar programs... make the switch! You will love using it!


Easy to use, sophisticated all in one platform and software


None that I can find!

Omar Zenhom
Thanks for using WebinarNinja to run your epic webinars :) We aim to please and make it easy in the process.
Anton McCarthy
Looks cool but mainly wanted to say ***I can post on ProductHunt now wooooooo*** :D
Omar Zenhom
@antonmccarthy It's all good Anton 😎
Nicole Baldinu
@antonmccarthy lol :) enjoy!
Frank Jon Cona
Hey Omar..looks awesome.. Do you have info comparing WN to Goto? TY
Omar Zenhom
Hey @mefranco! Thanks for the question. GoTo has been a solid app for some time but it's not created with business owners and marketers in mind. You will need a more than just GoTo to market your webinars and follow up with your webinar attendees. WebinarNinja prides itself as an all-in-one webinar solution, giving the host everything they need to run webinars- registration pages, thank you pages, email notifications, built in marketing with our webinar search engine-The Webinar Finder and more. There is nothing to download with WebinarNinja. We are totally browser based so your attendees don't need to download anything to attend your webinars. This equals higher attendance rates. As a former H.S. and college teacher, I am obsessed with the learning environment so we mad sure interaction is done easily with our Studio area. A separate Q&A area, insert YouTube videos at anytime live, Dynamic layouts, as well as the ability to upload your PPT slides directly in WN so you can manage everything on one screen. No need to share screen (you still can thought if you want). Oh! One more I should mention. GoTo Doesn't offer the wide range of webinar types we do- Live, Automated, Series & Summits and Hybrid. Plus we're just nicer to look at :)
Brian Baulch
Well done Omar and team you guys are rocking it, keep up the great work.
Omar Zenhom
Means so much @brian_baulch to hear that. Thank you.
Laura Roeder
Looks slick, we've compared a few webinar products for MeetEdgar - what differentiates WebinarNinja from other webinar platforms like WebinarJam or Zoom?
Omar Zenhom
Hey @lkr ! Good question! WebinarNinja focuses on making the experience better for hosts and attendees. We don't try to cram in features or catering to enterprise clients. We are totally browser based (you got to download software with Zoom) and make it easy to set up a webinar with our 10-second creation (it's 10 steps with WebinarJam) We also include all types of webinars with our plans so you don't need to buy separate software to run automated/recorded webinars (like WebinarJam. Zoom only does live). We include Live and Automated webinars with all our plans and offer Series & Summits &Hybrid webinars with our other tiers. We also, in my opinion have the BEST replay experience ever. When live you can change your layouts to show screens (i.e. host video, share screen, slides, co-host) in different arrangements including picture in picture. The magical part is that we reproduce this experience in the replay recording so it matches the live experience as well. Other webinar software just give you a replay with a default grid of the screens. Not so cool when on live you had your slides on full screen and people can't read the slides on the replay with this silly girded layout. This replay functionality was one of the most challenging aspects in building 5.0 because no one has done it before πŸ˜‰ We really work hard to allow you to be in full control with your webinars without all the clutter and complication. Lastly, our support team is the best. I LOVE THEM! We know that our users use webinars to grow their business. It's high stakes. They want to look great in front of their audience. Our team not only helps with getting started with the app but how to prepare and deliver a great webinar experience as well. We see ourselves more than just a tech company. We believe its just as important to provide the training and support you need to win with our product, as the product itself.
Omar and Nicole demoed and sponsored the Product Hunt Sydney event here in Sydney. They wowed the attendees with WebinarNinja's 5.0 capabilities and ease of use. They also took us through their journey releasing 5.0. It truly is a complicated process to build and easy-to-use product. With the release for version 5.0, WebinarNinja is pretty much positioned as the best webinar software on the market. Omar and Nicole are super proud for the platform to have hosted webinars from the best in the industry. This message is from Omar and Nicole, the founders of WebinarNinja: After 18 months of work, we are busting with excitement to share WebinarNinja 5.0 with the community! Let’s be honest. When it comes to webinar software, most are clunky, unattractive, difficult to use and barely do what you need. We set out to create a revolutionary webinar platform that improves the webinar experience for both you, the host, and your attendees. Our mission- To make your webinars better with no worries. WebinarNinja 5.0 is an all-in-one, easy to use webinar software that has been created to allow you to focus on your content of your webinar and not the tech. - Create a webinar in 10 seconds! - HD, Zero-delay webinars making your presentations more engaging and interactive. - Run more than just live webinars- run automated webinars, series and summits and even insert recorded video while on a live broadcast. All with the option to be paid or free. - There’s no need to jump around from screen to screen. You can upload your presentation slides right inside WebinarNinja. - Chat, answer questions, run polls and even display gorgeous looking offers at anytime. - Get more attendees with our powerful webinar search engine- The Webinar Finder. Please feel free to ask any questions about WebinarNinja 5.0 or the journey in building it.
Henry Scullion

Software that I don't know how to use effectively is useless. Webinar Ninja offer great free courses, business advice and support so that I can put it to use right away.


Easy to use, with great educational support and webinar marketing tools included.



Mike Holthuysen

With so many Webinar products - Choose one and fly with it!

Just make sure it offers, Easy to use & setup, Tutorials, OnGoing Support & a pricing structure you can live with.


Top - Support, Tutorials, Ready to help!


You got to put the effort in - They won't do it for me.. But the will show you.

Omar Zenhom
You rock Mike! That's the next step...AI webinar hosts πŸ˜†
Brian Baulch

Have not found webinar app that really comes close to Webinar Ninja 5.0,


Great digital presentation and active engaging community


They keep improving it so regular I dare not request anything i can think up could cause burnout