To illustrate the above: in the body fat calculator, an image of where/how exactly to measure the forearm, the wrist and the hip would be great.
Pros:The UX is great, I love how simple and straightforward it is. The extra content/tips next to the calculator are a good idea too.
Cons:The "for fun" calculators are awesome but I wish there were more tips on how to do certain measurements in the more "serious ones.
I love the untypical calculatros that Omni is serving.
Pros:Number of calculators, creativity about new ones
Cons:- better search engine
First calculator I fell for was about Brexit Cost
Pros:I love all your texts And I also like your eco s.ocial calculators. I think they can be a powerful educational tool.
Cons:Give users a chance to comment or share their experience with calculators. Some can be really "life changing";)
some calculators are really impressive. I think everyone should try plastic usage calculator, nice to know such things
Pros:great tool for everyday life and specific needs
Cons:did not find
how far are you going to get? Is a magic 777 caclulators your last word? are you still developing new calculators?
Pros:- hundreds of calculators in one place - intuitive layout - brief description how each calculator works
Cons:- I wish I had an oportunity to develop my own callculator on the webpage
you would think a "calculator website" would be limited in scope to the "math' stuff. You could not be more wrong. They have a big range - from finances, to health, construction and everyday. Basically if something can be calculated they do it.
Pros:-easy to use -varied categories -each calculator has an easy to follow explanation
Cons:-could implement a way to star or upvote a calculator