Your life in 800+ free calculators.
Chris Messina
Omni Calculator 2.0 — Your life in 777 free calculators
There are numbers in everything you do. Omni Calculator has 777 easy to use, fast and amazingly fun calculators, so you always get the number you need.
Pascal Vuylsteker
What is the relationship between Omni Calculator and the OmniGroup ? You are working in quite a similar area...
Mateusz Mucha
@pvk no relationship, "Omni" is a fairly common prefix. I was aware of them, they're a well known Apple dev house, over 20 years older than us :-)
Anna Rys

To illustrate the above: in the body fat calculator, an image of where/how exactly to measure the forearm, the wrist and the hip would be great.


The UX is great, I love how simple and straightforward it is. The extra content/tips next to the calculator are a good idea too.


The "for fun" calculators are awesome but I wish there were more tips on how to do certain measurements in the more "serious ones.

Mateusz Mucha
Thanks a very insightful comment, thank you :-). We're planning a big'ish project where we'll go through all of our calculators and see if we can improve them with features implemented over the recent months. One of them is an ability to add text/charts/pics anywhere within the calculator, not just at the end, like here: https://www.omnicalculator.com/a... (this one is not published yet; I believe it has precisely what you're asking for :-))
Mateusz Mucha
Hey there! First of all, thanks @chrismessina and @farhan_khan23, you guys are great! I'm Matt, the founder of the Omni Calculator Project. The whole project is meant to scratch a huge mental itch I've always had - people rely on intuition way too much. They don't calculate because they lack basic arithmetic skills, don't have the time or simply hate doing maths. We're here to remove these obstacles and make calculations easy, fast, and kinda fun. We built all sorts of calculators - simple ones for the simplest tasks (even as simple as properties of the circle or square root) or more complicated, such as Thermodynamic Process ( https://www.omnicalculator.com/p... ) or Online Marketing ROI Calculator ( https://www.omnicalculator.com/f... ). We're also super lucky in being able to use our own product to build awareness around important problems that face the planet, we built The Plastic Footprint Calculator ( https://www.omnicalculator.com/e... , just covered by The New York Times and National Geographic!), Smog Calculator ( https://www.omnicalculator.com/e... ), Car vs Bike Calc ( https://www.omnicalculator.com/e... ) and Social Media Time Alternatives ( url ). Something for the PH community: we started a startup collection recently - https://www.omnicalculator.com/c... (thanks @writerpollock for the idea!). Top features: - All calculators are freely embeddable on 3rd party websites. - Most of them are multidirectional (you can start anywhere you like, any variable can be either an input or an output of a calculation). We're a team of 21 people from Poland, Spain, India, Hungary, Philippines, and England. Most calculators are built by Ph.D. students who want to make their expertise useful for others. All calculators are free and will stay free forever, that's the only way to reach everyone on the planet :-) Please visit the site and enjoy our hard work!
Radek Zaleski
one of my favorite web apps ever. fun fact - I advised Mateusz to develop Omni as mobile apps sometime ago. I am idiot.
Beata Mosór-Szyszka
Congrats Mateusz and the team - looking for evidences is crucial nowadays, and you help people to decide based on facts, numbers.
Mateusz Mucha
@beatamosor Thank you, we love you guys :-)
Beata Mosór-Szyszka

I love the untypical calculatros that Omni is serving.


Number of calculators, creativity about new ones


- better search engine

Joanna Turczyńska
Love the platform ❤️ Never say ’no’ to Quantified Self calculators!
Erin Ben

Very useful and designed well


LOTS of calculators, and each one has got the full explanation / science behind it



Denis Shershnev
Congrats @mateusz_mucha You've done great work!
Mateusz Mucha
Thanks, Denis!
Chris Parjaszewski
@mateusz_mucha - do you consider more graphs in future? Numbers are sexi, but graphs, animations are easier to understand. If I would be able to modify graph parameters to get different results - that would be killer feature in understanding & further explaining complex calculations, starting from diet ending with buying a new house/mortgages!
Mateusz Mucha
@chrisparjaszewski we have fairly basic support for graphs, but they aren't really interactive (other than the fact that you can click on a chart and see what's the value at any given point). Here's one example: https://www.omnicalculator.com/f...
Well done Farhan and Mateusz! Bookmarked and will be using multiple times a week.
Farhan Khan
@jarrod_morris thank you :) These tools can be embedded conveniently to websites too.
Ashutosh Kumar
The traffic on the website is huge. I am really impressed. We can create most of these calculators in just 10 minutes using our product Clappia (www.clappia.com). I guess we should focus on such simple yet useful cases.
Farhan Khan
Dear Hunters, Did you know there is a Lost Socks Calculator (https://www.omnicalculator.com/e...). Tell us which one is YOUR favorite?
Magdalena Plewniak

First calculator I fell for was about Brexit Cost


I love all your texts And I also like your eco s.ocial calculators. I think they can be a powerful educational tool.


Give users a chance to comment or share their experience with calculators. Some can be really "life changing";)

Valeria Orlova

some calculators are really impressive. I think everyone should try plastic usage calculator, nice to know such things


great tool for everyday life and specific needs


did not find

Tomasz Jedynak

how far are you going to get? Is a magic 777 caclulators your last word? are you still developing new calculators?


- hundreds of calculators in one place - intuitive layout - brief description how each calculator works


- I wish I had an oportunity to develop my own callculator on the webpage

Marcin Manias

you would think a "calculator website" would be limited in scope to the "math' stuff. You could not be more wrong. They have a big range - from finances, to health, construction and everyday. Basically if something can be calculated they do it.


-easy to use -varied categories -each calculator has an easy to follow explanation


-could implement a way to star or upvote a calculator

Absolutely love this calculator! Have used it numerous times for homework.
Mateusz Mucha
@gabef I'm glad our work is useful. Please share Omni with your classmates :-)
Łukasz Białek
Congratulations Omni Calculator for a great product!
Derek Shanahan
Finally a time value of money calculator that isn't ugly as sin + easy to use. Nice work!
Farhan Khan
@dshan That's exactly how we want our users to feel. Thanks for your kind words. :)