Kevin William David

One App - Read Product Hunt, Hacker News, DN & Reddit in one place

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No similar products yet? Srsly?
This is a great idea, and I love the selection of content sources! One question -- it looks like there's a comment count for each item, but I don't see any way to join the conversation. Are there plans to add commenting functionality? (Assuming that I'm not just missing it in the UI)
Sun Liang
@magicmuhan There should be a comment icon on the right when you hover on one news item, with a link to add comment on the source site.
Dariusz Kuśnierek
@untsop do you provide any RSS feeds for One App? I'd love to be able to access it via Feedly.
Adrian Phillips
I was expecting the tag line to be "One App to Rule them all"
Bryan Postelnek
Love the mac menu bar product. I can't find out how to download it from the links here or the link on their site. Here's the actual link for downloading for mac:
Evan Varsamis
love the minimalistic UI
I'm surprised there's no similar products added yet like Panda ( anyway good effort - much easier to consume a lot of news at the same time :)
Lewis Lebentz
Could be included too?
Vlado Grancaric
Exactly want I need. A minimalistic view of my favourite sites.