Sleiman Tanios

One Click Battle - Simple realtime voting system

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Fun idea! Reminds me of the Swarm Intelligence simulator I wish I didn't have to login to vote, though! You'd likely get much higher engagement, though I'm sure you do it to maintain voting integrity and protect against click bots.
Sleiman Tanios
@thejmoore Thanks for the feedback, you don't have to login to vote, you need to login to create new polls! Try voting directly from here:
@dontanios Oh! Thanks so much for jumping in and clarifying. I was checking things out on my phone this morning, so maybe it was just acting up on my end. Great stuff!
Giacomo Lawrance
Great product, really good for instant chats and forums. Any plans for an api I can integrate into a forum or something like that?
Sleiman Tanios
@giacomolaw Yes we are considering an API, how would you see this be useful in your case? Thank you!
Sleiman Tanios
@giacomolaw Sounds good! It's on our roadmap, should be available soon. Will keep you posted! Thank you!!
Sleiman Tanios
@giacomolaw hey Giacomo, we just added the embed code feature. On each poll you will see a little share icon at the bottom right, it will give you the code to copy paste in your website. Let me know how it goes. Thanks!
Jesse Williams
This is cool - I could see it being a great way to gather internal information and run corporate surveys.
Austin Knight
@j_r_wi11iams This shows the user the current standings before they vote though, which wouldn't be good for corporate surveys or anything where you want truly accurate data. I think this is better for more lighthearted, social polls.
Sleiman Tanios
@j_r_wi11iams @ustinknight We are testing with hiding results before vote, thanks for the feedback it's very helpful!
Austin Knight
@j_r_wi11iams I was referring more to Bandwagon Effect than anything to do with company culture.
Sleiman Tanios
@j_r_wi11iams @ustinknight we changed the system, results are showing only after voting! Also added the option the embed the live polls into your own sites. Thanks again for your feedback!
Dan DiGangi
Cool idea. What's up with the "A" & "B" Javascript alert when I load the page? You guys working in production? :P
Sleiman Tanios
@dandigangi Javascript injection :( fixed it for now, working on a permanent fix :) thanks for testing it!
@dontanios Cool product , what makes a vote unique the ip adresse ? what use cases are you seeing for your product ? and which features for premium ones ?
Sleiman Tanios
Thanks @otymix! Yes IP address is one of the factors to make a vote unique. We want to allow people to create quick polls and to be able to share them on their own platforms. Realtime is very important for that. For now Premium offers more polls and customization but we are still evaluating the options, we might move away from any paid plans and focus on add-ons. How's @OneTapVote going?
@dontanios Awesome ! yes it's been a pretty good success with 56 countries who voted, i used the same approach based on ip adress, and i'm thinking about iteration of @oneTapVote as a voting plateform for X , i need to make it more simple and bassic but i think there's a real need for such plateforms , @oneclickbattle is a very good start ! Longue vie au projet :-)
Sleiman Tanios
@otymix @onetapvote @oneclickbattle Merci! Longue vie à vous aussi! :) Let's keep in touch!
@dontanios @onetapvote @oneclickbattle Absolutely !! je pense qu'on aura pleins de feedback mutuellement à se partager d'ici quelques semaines, et bravo encore au succès, Keep in touch :-)
Simon Bromberg
Would be easier to vote if you could vote from the main page instead of having to click into each poll. Also, showing users the current results of a poll before they vote will inevitably influence their decision.
Sleiman Tanios
@shimmb We removed the results pre-voting, you can only see them after you vote now. Also, we improved navigation between polls but you are right we should give the option to vote from main page. Thanks for the feedback!!
Tony Yang
Would like to be able to make my own poll and then embed in a Slack post
Sleiman Tanios
@yangstax Slack integration is coming soon! I will keep you posted! Thanks for the feedback!
Sleiman Tanios
@yangstax hey Tony, we added the Embed option for web but not yet for Slack. We are working on that, I'll keep you posted but let me know if you give this option a try for now. Thank you!
Steven Rueter
Nice interface. Simple concept. Good stuff.
Sleiman Tanios
@rueter Thank you!!
Markus Schuette
Is this project open source? Would love to create a spin off for other communities.
Sleiman Tanios
@markus_schuette it's not open source yet, what do you have in mind? Maybe we can help!
Markus Schuette
@dontanios I want to create a similar site tailored to sports. Wanna email me @