Hey PH community! Lets take back the time 6 months ago.
Me and my partner were having serious Dev problems with teams in Brazil. A friend indicated Dio and his company to us. In the first 15 minutes of the call, I saw that those guys were different from the rest. Getty partnered with us, and in just 60 days after we had 4 apps (2 iOS and 2 Android) one admin and a huge API. Our business model is a little complex, and Stripe (our gateway) was just starting in Brazil. The team faced the challenge with us, even with our short deadline.
Our business grew up very fast, and this week we just launched a new version of the app with several new features. The team has a specialist in each case, and their passion for excellence makes Getty/IO the best I worked with!
Hi guys!
Thank you for voting and comments. Over the last 10+ years, we have worked with companies around the world improving their applications performance and development processes acting as Software Architects and IT Specialists.
As entrepreneurs, my brother, David, and I decided to create a team of `professionals/ninjas` to build exceptional products as quick as possible. With that in mind, we gathered Bruno, Marlon and Vitor three years ago to embark with us in this journey.
The adventure started with finding the right team, and, after lots of experimentation, failures and successes, we developed many techniques and practices to build better products, quicker.
Our main belief is that instead of spending months on making a product without the final user feedback, we should embrace the Lean Startup and develop a MVP that can be released under one month.
With weekly releases, we try to offer better value to our clients always looking a way to make a difference.
During the last three years, We have delivered mobile and web apps over nine countries, including United States, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, and Italy. i
Please share your thoughts. Thank you all!