Michael Rumiantsau

OneBar 2.0 - AI-powered Q&A knowledge base for Slack teams

Build an AI powered knowledge base right within your Slack team,Save messages, posts or whole threads from Slack to OneBar. Turn conversations

into documentation in just a few clicks.

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Irina Peregud
Such a great tool to organize information in Slack. Iโ€™m sure it will be very helpful for onboarding new employees. ๐Ÿ‘ Have you tried to calculate how much time OneBar can save for a startup or for a large company with 1000+ employees?
Maxim Leonovich
Thank you, @irina_peregud ! Yes, on-boarding is one of our main use cases. In our "previous life" we had a lot of consulting experience, and went through on-boarding quite a few times ourselves. We definitely feel the pain, and we're optimizing OneBar for solving it :) Honestly, we haven't tried calculating potential time savings yet, but we're sure it's a lot ๐Ÿ˜‰
Irina Peregud
@maxim_leonovich Thanks for answering. Iโ€™m saving OneBar to my productivity tools list:) Youโ€™ve developed an amazing product!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
Michael Rumiantsau
Ahoy, Product Hunt! Look what my friends at OneBar.io have built! ๐Ÿ”ฅ Keeping team documentation in good shape is hard, searching through it is even harder. These guys have some creative ideas of how it should be done.
Maxim Leonovich
Hey fellow Hunters and Makers! We spent the last six-month re-building OneBar from scratch, and today we're happy to share the result with the Product Hunt community! New OneBar is an AI-powered Knowledge Base for Slack teams. With OneBar you can: - Save messages and conversations from Slack - Organize and link information inside OneBar - Ask questions through the chatbot and receive suggestions - Assign unanswered questions to your teammates Use it to: - Build a team wiki - Enhance onboarding experience for new hires - Empower -ops and support teams with KB automation - Make remote (across time zones) help requests easier Sign Up within a week of this launch, and receive a 50% lifetime discount off your first paid plan upgrade. You don't need a promo code, the discount will be automatically applied when you upgrade. If you run a large (public) Slack community and struggle with the 10K messages search limit on the free account, contact us to discuss a free/discounted OneBar version. Same applies for edu and non-profits. P.S. It's still an early version software, and there will be glitches. Please, don't hesitate to poke us via support chat, and we'll take immediate action. P.P.S. We're extremely curious how does your team manage knowledge right now, what works and what not. If you have interesting insights you can share, feel free to shoot us an email, DM or reply right here. Thank you!
Sergii Garkusha
Best of luck, guys! Love the concept!
Maxim Leonovich
@cu7ious Thank you!
Dmitry Kaigorodov
Looks awesome. My question is how do you connect data from all of these different sources?
Maxim Leonovich
Hi, @kuolldev! Currently we do not collect any data from external systems. We only provide ways to easily link articles from Confluence or Google Docs, and we use their native search APIs to make the process easier.
Veronika Lindorenko
Thanks god! Someone's created the tool that simplifies the life of startups who use Slack. Amazing guys! Will definitely use it ๐Ÿ˜‰
Maxim Leonovich
Thank you, @veronika_lindorenko ! We'll work hard to make OneBar the best tool of a kind!
Alex Wawl
Congrats with launch ๐Ÿš€ When you will need to hire any ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ปData Scientist, ๐Ÿค–Machine Learning Engineers, ๐Ÿค“Analytics, etc. ping me. We can post your job to https://worfor.com ;)
Andrew Fan
@alexwawl roger that ๐Ÿ˜
Aaron O'Leary
This is cool! Any plans to make a stand alone app for offline usage maybe?
Maxim Leonovich
Thank you, @aaronoleary ! Yes, we do have plans for a standalone app, but it will come in future versions. We need to collect a bit more feedback first ๐Ÿ˜‰
Ann Narkevich
The tool looks great, congratulations on the launch and good luck to the team!
Fotis Karioris
Pure magic! was looking for such a thing yesterday and now you guys popped up! Awesome! Gonna sign up and take OneBar for a test!
Maxim Leonovich
@new_user_b228905e4b Thank you! Please let us know what you think ๐Ÿ˜‰
Veronika Riederle
Love the clean design and the simplicity. Will definitely try it out. Amazing job Andy and Maxim!
Maxim Leonovich
Thank you very much, @veronika_riederle !
Lucie dhz
Is it the same logo of Station https://getstation.com ? \0/
Andrew Fan
@lucie_d_herbomez but our bar is blue ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ฏ
Maxim Leonovich
@lucie_d_herbomez We honestly didn't know about the station logo (and the station too) when we designed our own one. We know now though, but it's a bit too late to change ;)
Emin Israfil
Super sleek UI! Looks great!
Maxim Leonovich
Thank you, @eminisrafil !
Vaibhav Gupta
It'a an amazing tool to organize the organization information in Slack. Love it for our small startup this is far more helpful and required for large enterprises.
Dilan Dane ๐ŸŽˆ
Congratulations guys, several products out there that tires to do this, but no-one has nailed it.
Maxim Leonovich
Thank you, @dilan ! Maybe we will ๐Ÿ˜‰
Chabbey Franรงois
Congrats, super nice UI !