Davis Baer

Twitter Thread Scheduler from OneUp - Schedule Twitter threads - with images supported


Schedule Twitter threads, and optionally add up to 4 images on each tweet in your thread.

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Davis Baer
Hey Product Hunt 😸 We originally launched OneUp on Product Hunt over 2 years ago. Since then, we have added a ton of features and made a bunch of improvements. Today we are excited to launch our Twitter thread scheduler 🐦 With OneUp's Twitter thread scheduler, you can schedule Twitter threads in advance. You can also add up to 4 images on each tweet in your thread - just like you can on Twitter. Indie Hackers has been a beta user of our Twitter thread scheduler, so thanks to @rosiesherry for her feedback thus far! Thanks for checking it out, and let us know what you think! SPECIAL OFFER FOR PRODUCT HUNT: We normally offer a 7-day free trial, but we are happy to offer anyone coming from Product Hunt a 30-day free trial. To redeem, just sign up for a trial and reply to the welcome email, mentioning this offer πŸ€“
Yaroslaw Bagriy
Congrats on the launch πŸš€ going to try this out now 😊
Davis Baer
@yarobagriy Thanks Yaro!
Max Prilutskiy
Great idea! πŸ’―
Davis Baer
@prilutskiy Thanks Max!
Christopher Gimmer
Great work Davis. This feature is super useful.
Davis Baer
@cgimmer thanks Chris!
Anand Radhakrishnan
They are absolutely hopeless when it comes to resolving any issues. The software forever generates erros failing 100 to 200 posts at a time. Total avoid and a complete waste of time and money. I have been using Oneup for managing the social media accounts of our digital business. They have 101 different errors and every day new errors show up for no rhyme or reason. Therir customer service is pathetic, they just dont reply and carry a we dont care attitude. When you have 300 to 400 posts scheduled the amount of time you will end up fixing all the posts and their reschecdule reuirements. I would assume Oneup should be paying users to use their software. Initially i was tolerant and kept editing failed posts time and again. Inspite of paying a a full price monthly subscription without any discounts or deals they just dont care. I dont think any marketer on entrepreneur should put up with such pathetic service. Dont waste your time and money go elsewhere.