Ever since Google Think released their personal shopping experience for Topman (see here: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/...), I've been trying to implement this for my brand. Thanks for bringing this to life for all businesses!
Thanks for the hunt, @erictwillis!
Since I consult and freelance in my spare time, I wanted a more streamlined way to book consultations, so I spent a couple weekends hacking this together. Scheduling is an interesting problem to build for, but I suspect there might also be even more fun features to build with availability/lead data. In any case, the goal is help hired guns like myself procrastinate more.
I would love to see this take off huge. For some reason it's a major hurdle for me to call someone to set up a time. The efficiency savings could be huge for both parties.
@laxbrownie if you need anyone to help you with the Ajax and Google calendar OAuth let me know. I created a scheduling calendar for someone recently so I have a decent idea of how to sync with Google Calendar.
@applecider_ Gmail will probably be up by tomorrow, maybe day after at the latest. iCal and MS Exchange hopefully by end of week. Thanks for the suggestions!
@itsnblackburn shot you a note on Twitter.
To reiterate for everyone else; you can just sign up (without paying anything) and play around with the widget.