Tim bob

Free AI content creator - Write blogs faster with this AI content creator PHP script

This is a PHP script built from Codeigniter 4 that uses OpenAI and SerpAPI to build a platform to help write blog posts faster. It uses AI and parsed search results to help outline and write your blogs more effectively.

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Tim bob
I wanted to use one of the many AI content writing tools available on the market, but got fed up with the ever increasing costs. It turns out they all use OpenAI, so I was able to build something myself to either host it locally on my laptop or on my shared hosting account over at A2hosting. So I started writing blog posts using this tool because I want to drive traffic to my website, but then I had a crazy idea. Why not just offer this product for free as some kind of open source project so anyone can download it and start using an AI content writer. And if they like it, maybe they will kind enough to add a link back to my website domaingenerator.app. So please, download it, give me some feedback, help me improve it and if you like it and its working really well for you, perhaps you can add my link (domaingenerator.app) on your blog!?