Start a group study session with your friends and practice question sets made by experienced teachers. Study together 'cause studying alone is so 2020.
Now you can leave behind the days of practicing 100s of questions alone, leaving you unmotivated.
A much better way is to solve questions with your friends and learn together!
How it works (v1) ->
After studying a topic, the first thing you would want to do is practice question sets to test how well have you learned. Forget about being confused and hunting for questions to solve. Just hop into an OpenRoom Session to access relevant and curated question sets from professional teachers at OpenHouse.
Practice those questions in a session with your friends who want to solve from the same topic who are either preparing on the same topic or want to come back to it for revision in a group of up to 6 people including you. You can also see how your friends are solving the question in case you are unable to solve a question or learn better ways to solve the same question!
There is no hassle of typing out your answers, just take a snap of the page where you solved the question and submit it into the session with the integrated mobile app.
Future Goals ->
Creating a one-stop study solution, where students from across the world can come to share mind-maps, notes, take classes, get mentorship, and much more.
We would love to get your feedback and improve Openroom further to empower the student community.