Mahmoud Masri

OpExams - The smarter way to design, administer & grade exams

OpExams makes designing, administering, and grading exams easy and headache free, and provides you with actionable insights to improve the performance of your students. #exam-designer #auto-grading #learning-outcome #teachers #AI #online-exams #paper-exams

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Mahmoud Masri
As the founder of OpExams, I am excited to introduce our platform to the Product Hunt community! If you're a teacher, you know how much time and effort goes into creating and grading exams. With OpExams and with the help of our AI tools, we make it easy to prepare, administer and grade your exams, for both paper and online exams. But OpExams is not just about making your life easier, it also provides you with valuable insights on your students' performance. Our platform allows you to track student progress, identify areas of strength and weakness, and monitor the effectiveness of your teaching methods. With this information, you can make informed decisions on how to improve student performance and drive success for your institute. With our user-friendly interface and powerful features, you can streamline your exam process and focus on what matters most: helping your students succeed. I encourage everyone to give OpExams a try and please don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help!
Mahmoud Masri
Thank you for your kind words, @therealfranco ! We are thrilled that teachers and trainers are finding value in our platform.
Omar Almahdi
Awesome product! Congrats on the launch :)
Mahmoud Masri
Thanks Omar, I appreciate your support!
Ahmad Masri
Congrats Mahmoud. After we have tested the beta version at RightCode I can say it's very promising; it makes creating and making Exams/Quizzes not only easy as one click but a very entertaining process, in addition to monitoring and automatic grading, the reporting component was what I liked the most, it helped us a lot in monitoring the team's performance and digging into their strengths and weaknesses. I strongly recommend it not only for teachers but also for a business that cares about measuring the learning curve of their employees.
Mahmoud Masri
Thank Ahmad for your kind words. We are thrilled to hear that you had a positive experience with the beta version. We are particularly glad to hear that you found the reporting component useful. Since one of our main goals with OpExams is to provide valuable insights on student performance. We appreciate your recommendation of OpExams not only for schools, but also for businesses that want to measure the learning curve of their employees. We believe that assessments and especially our platform 😉 are essential for any organization that wants to use data driven approach to improve its learning and development efforts. Thank you again for your feedback. We are always looking for ways to improve OpExams, and your comments are very useful to focus on whats important for users. We wish you the best with your RightCode startup.
Giannis Giftakis
@mahmoud_masri That's a great product for teachers and educational organisations. Contact button under Help page is not working though. Also do you have a small Lifetime Deal pricing plan for us individual educators?
Mahmoud Masri
Thank you for your feedback, Giannis! We're glad to hear that you found OpExams useful! Sorry about the contact button, we will get on it right away. As for your question about a Lifetime Deal, that haven't accord to us before, but now after you mention it, it does sound appealing to individual educators. We will do some research and studies to see if this type of pricing plan makes sense for our business and our customers. If you don't mind I'll send you an email, We would love to discuss this further with you and learn more about what you have in mind and your reasoning behind the suggestion, I think this will help us make the plan more practical and effective for individual educators. Thank you again for your feedback and interest in OpExams. We appreciate it greatly.