Daniel Kyne

OpinionX - Discover your users' biggest unmet needs in just one click


OpinionX makes discovery research easy! Ask open-ended questions and let OpinionX identify the opinions that are most important to respondents by letting them vote on other peopleโ€™s statements. Next-generation survey that blends qual and quant methods ๐Ÿ’ฌ๐Ÿ“Š

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Daniel Kyne
Hey PH Gang ๐Ÿค™ I joined Product Hunt back in 2014 when I was 17 years old and this is my first time hunting a product! We're veeeeeeery excited to launch our startup OpinionX today ๐Ÿ™ƒ Asking open-ended questions is at the heart of discovering new insights but the tools we have to analyse the unstructured responses at scale are a serious headache. We're sick of having to spend days manually tagging statements into groups on Excel and we don't want to have to look at another bloody word cloud ever again ๐Ÿ™… OpinionX is a next-generation survey tool that can tell you which statements matter most to your respondents. We've flipped the survey format on its head by letting respondents vote on each others' statements. OpinionX gives you all the quantitative benefits of a survey ๐Ÿ“Š with the discovery ability of a giant focus group ๐Ÿ’ฌ Try it for yourself! We've opened an OpinionX discussion on all things Product Hunt - join in and share your opinion over at bit.ly/oxproducthunt. You can launch your first OpinionX discussion for free today at app.opinionx.co/sign-up. Excited to hear what you all think! Daniel
Ailish Irvine
I'm going to use this with Community Development groups @daniel_kyne
Daniel Kyne
@daniel_kyne @ailieirv that's so great to hear Ailish, looking forward to hearing how it goes for you! Let me know if I can help at any stage.
Daniel Kyne
@daniel_kyne @iamvarunnair Hi Varun, while we do require card details as part of our onboarding process, the card is not charged and you're not linked to any subscription - so the word "trick" here feels disengenuous. Your idea to put the sign-up at the end of the onboarding is a great idea though - thanks for the feedback! We have a pricing page on each landing page of the website (which also clarifies that you are not charged as part of onboarding). Thanks for flagging that our delete account feature is missing, I'll pass that on to the team.
Varun Nair
@daniel_kyne @iamvarunnair you are right and i really appreciate you for taking the words into action....looking for a revamped experience. Cheers mate.
will robbins
Looks awesome @daniel_kyne ! This is going to save me so much time
Daniel Kyne
@willrob01347043 thanks Will, the amount of time spent on those manual Excel sheets is fairly mind boggling...
Exactly what we need!
Daniel Kyne
@tracy_keogh ๐Ÿ’ฏ Community engagement is no easy task!
Liam Dunne
Everything. Its amazing.
Daniel Kyne
@liam_dunne1 ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Adam Dalton
Love the design, looking forward to testing with our users.
Daniel Kyne
@robotiguy unreal Adam, let me know how it goes!
Callum McDonnell
Amazing product, well done all!
Daniel Kyne
@callum_mcdonnell thanks Callum!
Karan Navani
Congrats Daniel, and team! Canโ€™t wait to see where this goes, good luck! ๐Ÿš€
Daniel Kyne
@almostkaran thanks Karan!
Rafiq Maniar
Looks like a fresh take on the business model, especially UI-wise! Very Insta-generation friendly.
Daniel Kyne
@rafiqmaniar absolutely, surveys are long overdue a facelift - the internet has changed a lot since SurveyMonkey was founded...
Mim O'Flynn
Fantastic product, well done Daniel and team. Looking forward to trying on my startup to help improve the painful process of Customer Discovery I've been using over the last few months!
Daniel Kyne
@clontarfd3 great to hear Miriam!
Good luck @daniel_kyne & the rest of the team!
Daniel Kyne
@daniel_kyne @jernej cheers Jay!!
Alex Papageorge
I like the product @daniel_kyne! Super simple idea, UI, which I enjoy. I think Snapchat had something similar if I recall. A couple question would be - Who are the people answering the questions the users are posing? Also, what type of questions are better asked in this product?
Daniel Kyne
@daniel_kyne @alex_papageorge thanks Alex! OpinionX is currently aimed at PMs and Community Leaders who have existing audiences they want to engage that they share a survey link with. The platform is really dynamic - the same people who post opinions also vote on each others (it's not a split two step process). Feel free to try the demo out here: bit.ly/oxproducthunt OpinionX is focused on discovery research, which is all about learning new things. Open-ended questions like "what's your favourite thing about..." helps to create prioritisation insights. Questions like "Imagine ____, what would you want to see included?" can create great co-creation discussions, or gather open-minded feedback with a retrospective question.
Robbie Skuse
Looking forward to getting to use this!
Daniel Kyne
@r_skuse good to hear Robbie - let me know what you think once you do ๐Ÿ™Œ
Robert Kelly
Congrats OpinionX team what a fantastic product!
Daniel Kyne
@robert_kelly2 cheers Robbie, things have come on a long way since you first used it!
Joshua Wรถhle
Very interesting idea, would love to see be able to integrate it with Intercom to avoid double integration though?
Daniel Kyne
@joshua_wohle interesting to hear that this would be how you'd like to see it integrate, Joshua. We've been thinking a lot about what our integration strategy should be, so thank you for sharing this idea!
Conor Brady
It's finally good to use a survey tool that pulls other peoples perspectives into the equation too. I'll continue to use it, it's got a plethora of use-cases
Daniel Kyne
@conor_brady 100%, that's great to hear Conor. We agree that there survey space is pretty lacking when you go beyond forms and quantitative research tools! Thanks for the comment
Kiran Arokiasamy
I've already spoken to a lot of my friends and colleague in policy roles and think tanks about this tool - really impressive work!
Daniel Kyne
@kiran_arokiasamy1 thanks Kiran!
Jannetje van Leeuwen
Looks excellent! Well done
Daniel Kyne
@jannetje_van_leeuwen thank you Jannetje!
Raphaรซl T
Really great idea. Clearly in the A/B Test - Typeform area with the purpose of creating interactions and feedbacks. One offer only but I assumed you'll propose adds on it ?
Daniel Kyne
@raphael_t hey Raphael, that's exactly where we see ourselves. We have loads of plans as to how we can add on to OpinionX. Have you had a chance to use it yet? Would love to see what you do with it!
Jack Mallon
Wow, I can see this being very useful in the world of remote working.
Daniel Kyne
@jack_mallon1 100%, and it looks like remote working is around to stay!
Ivan Zografski
Looks great @daniel_kyne we'll definitely give it a try!!!
Daniel Kyne
@daniel_kyne @ivan_zografski excited to see how you use it Ivan, keep me posted on what you think or if there is anything I can do to help