Origami Studio
A new tool for designing modern interfaces.
Ben Tossell

Origami Studio by Facebook — Explore, iterate, and test your ideas

Ben Tossell
"A new tool for designing modern interfaces, built and used by designers at Facebook" Easily create prototypes with layers. Bring layers from Sketch and play with masks, particle systems, and live cameras. Save time with pre-built Material and iOS components. Make your own library for your team and design faster together. Quickly explore and iterate visually with patches. Build flows and invent new interactions, with no limits to your creativity. See changes immediately in the Viewer as you make them. Test your prototype and adjust it on the fly.
@bentossell Interesting to see this launch after Google released a similar design software. It seems like Facebook and Google are racing to be the first to scale "Design Learning." How does this compare to what Google is putting out?
Grant Wilkinson
@prestonattebery what was the google product?
𝔏aurent 𝔇el ℜey
Can't wait to put my hands on Origami Studio. It looks like the perfect tool between the quick and simple Principle and the powerful Framer.js. Downloading it right now.
Ali R. Tariq
@ldesserrey this is an important statement. A few years ago it we were pretty much stuck with Photoshop as the go-to interface builder (with Flash or Fireworks for interaction design). Then Sketch came along and gave life to tools like InVision and POP. Then Framer and Flinto for Mac and Principle made interaction design enjoyable. Now we're fitting powerful design tools in-between the crevasses of other powerful tools. As stoked as I am about Origami Studio (I've blazed through a few tutorials already), I'm also getting a little concerned about a trend that's been happening. Whereas, previously, the problem was that we were using far too fewer tools to do too many things, today we're building a lot of very powerful tools that are targeted at narrower, more niche use cases (e.g. if I wanted to show someone a basic interaction or flow, I'd still rather whip up a quick Keynote prototype than use Origami). I don't even know if this is a big issue, but it sure makes me wonder whether these tools are making us better problem solvers.
Justin Hernandez
Been waiting for this one! I'm just now poking around docs and tutorials but is this mobile only? Surely it can't be!
Colin Jones
@300mhz No, when you choose a file type to create you can choose from all kinds of variations of watches, phones, tablets, computers, televisions, or resizable windows. Screenshot: https://cl.ly/1t430L030r0T
Nick Smith
This is so awesome. The granularity of interactions you can design with Origami is insane. And the easy interaction with Sketch makes it even better. That said, there are many many prototyping tools, but this does look great.
Colin Jones
Aaaaahhhhhh! I've been waiting for this forever! Thank you Facebook! Can't wait to get my hands on it today and create some cool stuff!
emmanuel buah
Can it export code? There are so many prototyping tools but very few of them give you the ability to export the code. Translation prototype to code is the difficult part.
@emmanuelbuah Yes, I would like to know that as well. Why do all the work and not have a final output as well.
Origami looks interesting but, I just deleted my Facebook account. I got into a tat with a few Facebook Product Designers in a FB Design Group, went to bed, woke up, and discovered I was kicked from the group (could no longer see the group). I choose not to use products where the attitude is: Listen to what we say - otherwise, we will drag your name through the coals and ban you. Unfortunately, as Facebook continues to move in the direction of becoming the Western version of WeChat, these encounters will happen more and more. #Shame
Vasjen Katro
I am already testing this but for some reason i don't know why i cannot connect with my iphone 6 so i can mirror it. Any tips? Also can't really open the .qtz file found here: http://facebook.github.io/origam... maybe i am doing something wrong and i am a newbie with this :/
Andrew Pouliot
@vasjenkatro Hey, the .qtz file you downloaded is for the old Origami/QC. Examples compatible with Origami Studio are here: http://origami.design/examples For Origami Live: the iOS app 2.0 update was stuck somewhere in the basement of the App Store for a few hours but it looks like it's rolling out. Try updating manually on your phone. Sorry for the delay :)
Mark Justin Harvey
This was by far the most powerful and robust prototyping tool even running on top of deprecated Quartz Composer. It has changed the way I think about designing products. So glad to see this out! Bravo!
Halim Georges Madi
Congrats! Much more accessible than framer.js and fits with how my brain works much better 😄 can't wait for shareable links and web-hosted prototypes to come out too! #featurerequest ;)
What's the comparison between something like this and invision?
Romain Dierckx
@ridderingand_ the purpose is the same but Invision use a full images logic with a layer of dynamic area above your images to define your actions. Very efficient for rapid prototyping but you rich the limit very fast. In origami you can directly change your elements, colors and font directly on it. You also have a better control on your transition options.
Katzir Engineering
great product, you can also read about product development at פיתוח מוצר https://www.keng.co.il/פיתוח-מוצר
Skip Jones
Now this I have been waiting for, already love Origami. 🙏🏾 🙌🏾
Romain Dierckx
The way to use interconnected blocks for interaction make totally sense. No more abstraction everything become clear. I love it!
How do you share?
Alexander Kehaya
Wow @bentossell this is really awesome. thanks for sharing.
Michael Boswell
So happy to see this live! I know you all worked so hard on this, congrats on the launch!!!
Super pumped to see this launch! They teased us at the last F8 and now it's finally here. Thanks!
Greig Cranfield
Really love what facebook design team are doing.
Edvins Antonovs
Another great product from Facebook 🎉🎉🎉